The Christmas Miracle

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"It's a girl," Brendon says smiling.
My heart flutters a tiny bit, and Brendon pulls me into a tight hug.
"We're going to spoil our baby girl," he says.
"Um, Bren, I can't breathe," I mumble.
"Sorry," he says kissing me on my lips.
"'S okay," I say smiling.
"Now we can go get lots of pink and purple things for the nursery," Brendon says.
"We don't even have room picked out Bren," I say laughing at his excitedness.
"Who cares, there's plenty of empty rooms," he says.
"So what do you wanna do now," I ask.
"We need a Christmas tree and stuff for the nursery," he says.
"Okay," I say laughing.
We drive to Babies R Us, and Brendon and I fuss over me riding in one of those cart things.
"I'm not getting in that Brendon," I say crossing my arms.
"You are. Dr. McCraw said that you needed to rest, and this store's huge for you to be walking all over the place," Brendon says crossing his arms.
"No," I say.
"Yes," he says.
"No, Brendon. You can't make me," I say.
"You sure about that," he asks raising an eyebrow.
"Yup," I say trying not to smile.
He picks me up as people walk in the door staring at us. I shriek, and he puts me on the seat. When I try to get up, he pushes me back down.
"You can't force me to ride this" I say.
"I can," he says.
I tickle his sides, and he jumps up and moves back.
"Ha, I'm not riding in that," I say as I see people pull their phones out taking pictures.
"Please," he says.
"No, I'm fine Bren," I say.
"Fine," he says.
I get a buggy and follow him down the aisles.
"Okay, what should the theme of the nursery be," he asks.
"Behind the sea," I say.
"I see what you did there," he says smiling.
"It would still be cute though because there could be animated fishes and stuff with like a pinkish color," I say.
"I like it. We just have to find someone that could do that," he says.
"Okay," I say.
We walk up and down the aisles getting a crib, a rocking chair, clothes, diapers, a , blankets, and all the other necessary baby items. Brendon picked out tiny bows for her and even a bow tie.  After we checked out Brendon pushed the buggy out to the car because he thought it was too heavy for me. When we were putting the things in the car, two cars came out of nowhere, and people with cameras jumped out. Brendon quickly shut the truck, and stepped in front of me. The people started asking questions left and right, and they were pushing us back against the car. The flashes were on and momentarily blinded me.
"Back the fuck up," Brendon loudly says.
They don't listen.
"Can't you see she's pregnant, and you're swarming her like a bunch of hungry sharks," Brendon says oushig through them.
He helps me into the car as more paparazzi show up. He quickly gets in the car, and we leave. They follow us until we lose them after five minutes.
"God, I fucking hate the media sometimes," he says.
"Yeah," I mumble.
"I'm not going to let them ruin my surprise for you though," he says.
"what do you mean," you ask.
"You'll see," he says smiling.
The Christmas lights are on throughout LA. Brendon finally pulls the car into a tree farm. There's a sign that says Burney's Tree Farm. Karaoke every night. Free hot chocolate. Santa here until Christmas.
"Come on," Brendon says helping me out.
The temperature has dropped at least thirty degrees, and I begin shaking when I get out of the car.  Brendon wraps a thick blanket around me, and we go look at trees. We finally agree on a tree that's about six and a half feet tall. A man that works there ties it to the top on the car.
"Sorry, to bother you two tonight, but can I have a picture," he nervously asks.
"Yeah," Brendon says as I step back.
"I would um love to have you in the picture too," the man says to me.
"Oh okay,"I say as Brendon pulls me over to him.
We take the picture, and the man thanks us.
"So what are going to do now," I ask Brendon.
"We have to have some of the famous hot chocolate," Brendon says running off.
He quickly returns with two mugs of hot chocolate.  We sit down on an empty bench and listen to the people up on the stage singing Karaoke. I lay my head on Brendon's shoulder, and he wraps his arms around me. A man walks up to us and hands us Santa hats.
"Thanks," Brendon and I say.
Brendon tilts his to the side, and I put mine one.
"Alright last call for karaoke," a woman says as she walks onto the makeshift stage.
No one volunteers.
I look up at Brendon and say, "Go up there and sing, Bren."
"Why," he asks with hot chocolate on his scruffy mustache.
"Please," I ask sticking my bottom lip out.
"Fine," he says.
"Yay," I say quickly wiping the hot chocolate away.
As he walks up to the stage, I hear a couple of gasps.
"Hi what's your name," the lady asks.
"Um... Brendon Urie," he says.
Her eyes light up, but she tries to act normal.
"O-Okay and what will you be singing," she asks.
"White Christmas," he says.
I smile and remember the recording he did of it. She hands him the mic, and people pull out their phones.
Once he's done,  there's people with professional looking cameras takin pictures from the bushes. They must be the paparazzi. Everyone claps, and Brendon walks over to me smiling.
I stand up to meet him, and he whispers, "Ready to go home?"
"Yeah. Ya did great," I say as he leans down to kiss me on my lips.
That's when it starts to snow. We look up at the sky, and Brendon starts leading me towards the car. He helps me into it, and I quickly turn on the heat.
"We better get home and get this stuff in before the weather gets to bad," Brendon says as he shuts the door.
"Okay, and I'll cook chocolate chip cookies," I say smiling at him.
"Sounds like a deal to me," he says.
When we get home, there's a thin layer of snow down covering the ground. I grab some bags and quickly walk into the house. I sit them down, and Brendon's coming in with the crib. He sits it down by the door and runs his hand through his hair before going back outside.
"Do you need help with the chair and tree," I ask.
"No, it's too heavy for you. Anyways you promised cookies," he says as he gets the chair.
"Right," I say quickly getting the cookie dough out of the fridge.
I put enough dough in the pain for twenty cookies. Once I put them in I quickly hop in the shower. The hot water soon warms up my freezing body. I put my hair up in a towel and a towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom like that, so I can check the cookies. The smell is drift through the house. The cookies are almost done, and I can hear Brendon in the shower upstairs. I change into some of Brendon's pajama pants and long sleeve shirts.
"Babe, come here," Brendon says.
"Coming," I say as I walk upstairs.
Brendon's standing in the doorway of the room beside our room.
I stand on my tiptoes, so I lightly kiss him on the neck and quietly ask, "What?"
"This can be her room," he says looking at me.
"Okay, I like that idea," I say.
"We can start decorating the room later because cookies," he says running downstairs.
"Bren," I say quickly walking after him.

By the time I get down there Brendon's taking the cookies out of the oven. I grab a plate, and Brendon puts the cookies on them when they cool off. He sticks one in his mouth and eats it dropping crumbs everywhere.

"The crumbs," I whine

"I promise I'll clean it up later, but now cookies and a Christmas Story," he says pouring two glasses of milk.

"Otay," I say trying not to laugh.

Brendon puts on Christmas Story, and we start eating the cookies. After five cookies, a wave of sleepiness washes over me, and I cuddle up to Brendon. He moves closer to me, and I eventually fall asleep.

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