Chapter Six

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After a few minutes of extensive debate, everybody finally agreed on a movie to watch. They came to a mutual decision to watch this Netflix movie called 'Oh Ramona'. I didn't want to be part of this movie night, but not only would it be rude to leave, it would also make my brother suspicious. This wasn't the first time that we had had a movie night at Stanley's house. But normally it would have been Stanley, Josie and I, and sometimes Levi , when he was around. This time things were different, much different.

We all sat down on the curved sofa in the living room; I sat between Stanley who was cuddled up next to Asha, and Cassie. Cassie, I assumed was Levi's girlfriend because she addressed Levi as 'babe'. After she had greeted him, she then proceeded to introduce herself to me. She said that she had heard a lot about me and how excited she was to finally meet Stanley's little sister and that she hoped that we could be friends. I tried my best to put on a smile and pretend that I liked her, when the truth was, I didn't want to like her. I loathed her, I'm sure she was possibly a nice person, but I didn't want to know the girl that Levi was currently dating, especially after what almost happened between us.

Levi proceeded to share the pizza, one slice of pepperoni and one slice of chicken for each person. When he came to hand me my plate, he barely looked at me, I watched him as he sat down next to Cassie and she put her legs on him. The lights were off and everyone was feasting on the delicious pizza, it would have been a great night except that I wasn't enjoying one minute of it. Throughout the movie Levi and I exchanged quick, awkward glances. I felt irritated to see Cassie all over him, I wanted this movie night to end and suddenly I realized that I was jealous of Cassie and Levi, but why should I be? A few hours before I was thinking about Brendon and now my mind was clouded with thoughts of Levi.

One hour and 49 minutes later the movie was finally over.

"That movie was awesome," Asha exclaimed "Good suggestion Cassie." Cassie smiled at her.

"I thought it was weird," Stanley said staring apologetically at Cassie.

"It was okay," Levi said as he left the living room and went to his room.

"He's just pissed that it wasn't an action movie," Cassie giggled while she followed him.

"What did you think of the movie sis?" Stanley asked me, "You didn't seem to enjoy it that much, you were quiet throughout the whole thing."

"It was cool, I guess." I lied; my mind had been strayed from the movie so much that I didn't even know what it was about.

"Whatever you say Sof," Stanley smirked.

"Time to get ready now babe?" Asha whispered to Stanley and he nodded. "We're going to the full moon party tonight," Asha told me excitedly.

"I hope you guys enjoy," I forced a smile then got up and went to my room.

I walked across to my bed and looked at the shirt of Brendon that I had been wearing earlier. I wondered if I would have ever seen him again. If I could back to that night and exchange numbers with him I would've. I was so out of my head I kissed the guy but didn't ask for his number. Unbelievable Sophia, I thought. I changed my clothes and dropped down onto the bed. I checked my phone for messages from Josie, zero. It was so predictable of Josie not to reach out to me after an argument. At this point in time I really missed my best friend, she was the only person that I could talk to. But she chose to lie to me and that hurt. I put down my phone and lay face up, staring at the ceiling.

"Am I disturbing?" I heard a voice from my doorway. I sat up to see Asha watching me worriedly.

"What's up?" I tapped the bed to signal for her to have a seat. She closed my bedroom door and sat next to me.

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