Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I groaned and threw my head into my pillow, today was not the day. I watched the caller ID and saw that it was Asha. "Hey," I answered the phone annoyed, my voice completely drained of life. I felt as awful as I sounded, like someone ran over me with a bus, full speed, bones broken, barely alive, barely breathing, trying my best to hang on to dear life.

"Did I wake you, I'm sorry," she continued "I just wanted to check on you to see if you were ok."

"Depends on who's asking."

"I'm not asking for Stanley, I'm not speaking to him," she said.

"I guess I'm okay," I didn't want to get into the talk again, today was a new day and I was already feeling bad enough. "Can we talk another time, I'm not exactly in the mood."

"Oh okay Sof," she said with disappointment as I hung up the phone. I got off the bed and went into the kitchen to see my mom baking, she stared at me confused.

"I didn't know that you were home," she said to me "are you okay?"

"I'm fine mom, I just felt like being home." I tried to force a smile on my face. I offered to help her, she was making pastries for a catering gig I presumed. My mother loved anything to do with making food, it was her passion, and it was her drive. After helping her I went to the back porch, it was already late afternoon and I was still in my pajamas. I didn't care though, after Asha had called I had put my phone off, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I didn't want to hear anymore of their bullshit excuses. I sat with my tablet in my hand , trying to focus on this novel that I had started reading before my exams but never got the chance to finish it. After a few minutes of reading the same line over and over I realized that this novel reading wasn't going to do it for me. Everything in those books were fake, life was not a fairy tale, everyone was a fraud. I could not wait to start my new life in university and leave all of this behind,become a new person, maybe even try to make friends, in a place where nobody knew me, I could transform completely. If there was even a chance that I was able to leave now, I would, but I still had a process to go through before being able to enter into the school, I had to wait three months before I went off to school, this was going to be the worst summer I have ever experienced, I could feel it. Suddenly my mom came to the porch.

"Sophia, I'm leaving to bring the food to the party."

"Bye mom," I smiled.

"Will you be staying here tonight?"

"Yes mam," I said softly.

"I need you to bring some food next door, it's already packaged on the counter, I'm running a little late, also your father and I won't be home tonight, so you're in charge," She said hurriedly.

"Okay mom."

"Are you sure that you are okay?" she asked, with a worried look.

"Yes mom, I'm sure."

"Okay darling," she said as she left quickly. I went to take a bath and put on some presentable clothes; a big shirt and a shorts, to go over to the neighbors house. I knocked on the door lightly, an old couple moved into this house a couple of years ago, my mother was always being nice to them, and sent over food especially when she had extra. The door opened as I stared in astonishment to a shirtless Brendon.


"Miss Sofie," he grinned "how did you find me?"

"I'm not stalking you I swear, my mom gave me this to bring here," I gave him the bowl, as he gestured for me to come inside.

"Have a seat, give me a second," he said as he went further into the house. I took a seat on the couch. I couldn't believe that all this time Brendon was right under my nose, literally. My heart was racing, I didn't expect to him him here, as a matter of a fact I didn't expect to see him again at all. I remembered our night together at the party, I was a little embarrassed, I was hoping that he wasn't creeped out by me, well by drunk me at least. He came back into the living room still shirtless, he took a seat next to me. "I thought I was never going to see you again." Was he looking for me too? I wondered.

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