Chapter Five

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I opened the door to Josie's workplace; it was five minutes to two. I greeted the front staff and sat in the waiting area for her. Five minutes later she proceeded from the office in haste.

"Hurry up let's go,'" she exclaimed, barely looking at me.

"What's the rush?" I inquired as I followed her hurriedly to her car. We sat inside and in less than a minute we were out of the parking lot. Josie let out a long breath.

"Sorry about that back there," she said, "I was only trying to leave before they called me back inside."

"If work is done at a specific time why would they call you back?" I inquired.

"Let's just say that these people have no respect for personal time and my boss is the devil's spawn."

"It's not that serious Josie," I exclaimed as we both erupted into laughter. A few minutes later we arrived at my favorite restaurant, it was more of a common chill spot for Josie and I, and even Stanley.

"Table for two please," Josie said to the waiter as he led us to an available table. "We will have the lunch special and one glass of white wine thanks. Sofie what do you want to drink?"

"Uhmm, I guess I'll have a glass of sparkling water please." We took our seats as the waiter nodded and left us alone.

"Day drinking?" I asked her.

"I had a long day," she replied. "I swear this wine is much needed"

"Didn't you have more than enough to drink last night?" I giggled, "I know for a fact that I did." She rolled her eyes at me as she checked her phone. "By the way where were you last night?"

"I went home," she answered nonchalantly as she put her phone down.

"Home? I thought the plan was to sleep at Stanley's as we usually do."

"Well plans change Sophia," she said defensively.

"You left me all alone, when you knew that you were my only company and you didn't even think to tell me 'hey Sophia I've decided to go home?'" I said now angry, "and how did you even get home anyways, you didn't come with your ride."

"I'm genuinely sorry about that, things got carried away and Levi dropped me home," She said, her face expressionless. Josie had always been a reserved person in terms of her feelings. Even as a best friend there were things that she was never able to express to me. For example, when her father died, she didn't allow me to be there for her. As far as I knew she had bottled up all of her feelings inside. I didn't see her for months and it took a while before she was back to her normal self.

"What happened with Stanley?" I asked.

"Why do you think that something happened with Stanley?"

"You went to confront him Josie, that information is public knowledge to whoever was at that party," I said in a strict tone.

"I can't remember," she looked down.

"So, what did you mean when you said things got carried away?"

"I was too drunk to remember all of that Sophia," She smiled weakly.

"But you remember that Levi dropped you home?" I smirked.

"Just leave it alone Sophia, its none of your business!" She raised her voice at me.

"So, at first you were too drunk to remember and now it's none of my business?" I questioned while she remained silent. "Why were you so upset that my brother was talking to Asha?" I demanded.

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