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-Betty's POV-

-at school-

"So if I have this correct, you are a mate of a becoming alpha werewolf aka J.J. and you're not only a witch?" Toni said confused.

"Yeah, that's about it," I said.

"Okay but Jughead Jones a wolf, that hot," Toni smirks.

"I know but what am I going to do?" I asked.

"Simple, figure out what you are and f*ck that pretty boy," Toni answered.

"Toni! Shut up," I chuckle.

"Oh and I already got that pack figured out," I said while sitting down our lunch table.

"Oehh do tell," Toni smirks.

"Jughead future Alpha, Archie Beta to be, Sweetpea Gamma to be. They are probably an old powerful pack that's why they settled in Riverdale, I mean you can literally feel the magic in the ground," I said.

"Wow," Toni said impressed.

We look at the table of the wolfs and see them watching us with open mouth.

"Yeah I've got them all figured out, I said while winking to Jug.

He smirks at me and turns back to there conversation.

"Hi guys," Kev and V said sitting down our table.

"So any luck with boys B," Kevin asked.

"Well actually she kiss-," Toni start.

"Nooo, I didn't kiss anyone, Toni is just joking, right T," I said.

"Yeah but you probably will soon," She said winking at me.

"Maybe more than kissing," She whispers.

I see Jughead smirking in the corner of my eyes.

"Go back to feeding wolf," I whisper so that V, Kev
and T don't here anything.

He smiles and turns back to there convo.

Veronica, Kevin and Toni are talking about something but I don't really focus on there conversation cause I smell it again, blood. I look around but I don't see anything. My head is pounding. I want to taste it. No tf Betty keep your head cool. I look around and still don't see any blood or something. Suddenly my mouth becomes dry. I need to go to the bathroom I can't take this anymore. I see Jughead looking at me confused and worried.

"Are you okay?" He mouths.

I shake my head.

"B are you okay?" Veronica asked me.

"No I, I need to go the bathroom,"I said.

"Do we need to come with you?" T said worried.

"No it's okay guys just a headache," I said standing up.

"I will see you guys in class okay?" I said.

I throw my food away. And hurry to the bathroom.

What is wrong with me?

-Jughead's POV-

I see Betty rushing to the bathroom so I stand up and go after her. I walk into the bathroom. Fortunately no one is in there only Betty.

"Betty are you okay?" I asked her.

"No, yes, I don't know," She answered.

"You smelled blood too right in the cafeteria?" She asked me.

"Yeah why?" I asked her.

"The smell did things to me, I don't know how to describe it," She said.

"My head was pounding, my mouth became really dry, I,I," she said looking down.

"You what Betty?" I asked her stepping closer.

"I wanted to taste it," She answered.

Wait she wanted what? Oh shit I know what she is.

"Betty, I think you are not only a witch," I said.

"Yeah no shit," She said.

I chuckle.

"Betty I think you are three things," I said.

"Wait what?" She asked me.

"I think you are part witch, werewolf and vampire," I answered.

"How- how is that possible?"she asked.

"I don't know," I answered.

"It's called a Tribrid, it's extremely rare but possible," I tell her.

She starts to panic.

"What am I going to do?" She asks.

"I will help you Betty, we will figure this out," I calm her down.

"I- I need to go home, can you please tell Toni. And report the school that im sick or something," she said.

"No Betty i'm coming with you, you should not be alone right now," I said.

"No I do, I need to figure this out on my own, please," She asked me.

"Okay, but if you need anything-," I start.

"I will call you," she finished with a smile.

I cup her face and we kiss soft and sweet.

"Be safe please," I tell her.

"I will," she said kissing me one last time.

I open the door for her and she walks to her locker.

This has just become very complicated.

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