You're A Vampire?

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-Toni's POV-

"Wake up, wake up!" I hear Betty yell.

"Let me sleep you bitch, it's Saturday," I say.
I put the duvet back on my head and turn around.

"You promised me we go to the woods to practice our spells today," Betty says.

I don't answer and just keep sleeping.

"Fine I'll give you an hour, I will make some breakfast," She says and walks out of my room.

"Thank you, love you!" I yell after her.

"Keep sleeping bitch!" I hear her yell back.
I chuckle at that.

"I thought I was the one that's always sleepy," Betty laughs.

"Shut up I was with Cheryl yesterday," I tell her while taking a bite out of my pancakes.

"Oohh I see, details now!" Betty says.

On that moment Sheila walks in.
"Good morning girl," Sheila says.

"Good morning," we both say.

"Here is your breakfast for on the way Sheila," Betty says handing her a lunch box.

"Thank you sweetie, I will see you girls later okay?" Sheila tells us grabbing her coat and shoes.

"Mom we are going to the woods," I say.

"Now? In broad daylight?" Sheila asks.

"Don't worry Sheila, Toni and I found a place," Betty answers.

"A place?" Mom asks.

"Yeah it's a hidden open spot in the woods not so far from here," I answer.

"Okay, you girls are allowed to go if you text me when you got there, when you leave and when you're back home again," Mom says.

"Thank you so much," we both say.

"Bye girls be safe!" She yells walking out of the house.

"It is save right?" I ask Betty

"Of course, you can asks Cheryl if you want she can protect us," Betty answers chuckling.

"Why can Cheryl protect us?" I ask her.

"Wait shit, you didn't know? I thought Sheila
told you yesterday or like when you two started dating," Betty says.

"Didn't know what? Betty you're confusing me,
just tell me," I say.

Betty grabs out plates and puts them in the dishwasher and sighs.

"Cheryl is a vampire," she starts.

"Wait you're serious?" I asks.

She nods.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I ask

"I guess to protect you, I didn't know too till Sheila told me i'm basically apart of there clan," Betty answers.

"Did you ever tell her that you're a witch?" Betty asks.

I looks down.

"No I never brought it up," I answer.

"Well I guess you're even then," Betty says.

"Does Cheryl know that you are apart of there vamp clan?" I ask Betty.

"I don't think so, I need to talk to her, maybe she can also helps me with my vampire powers?" Betty says.

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