Chapter 12

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New chapter! I am so depressed because Kishimoto is ruining my life. I am not going to explain why because of spoilers but I am 110% done and sobbing.

{I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does because he's too cool for school}


To save someone, she wondered how far a person would go. Even if the help was refused, she wondered if was the right thing to do, to still continue on to do whatever it takes.

Yet she knew that to help and to save can change from being very similar to two very different things.

Sakura decided she'd save Sasuke, but not help him. You could save people's lives through generosity or brute force. Sakura decided she'd choose both.

Placing his body to rest against a tree trunk, Sakura wiped Sasuke's pale face and moved his bangs away from his closed eyes. Her throat was still dry and she breathed in and out slowly.

She quickly zipped Sasuke's shirt back onto his muscular body. "How have my feelings for you become even stronger, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura whispered, caressing his cheek softly.

"You left the village, you left me, but I still managed to fall deeper."

She entwined her fingers with his and sat near him, resting her head against his shoulder and her back against the tree. She closed her eyes and decided to wait for him. "Waiting sounds good and then we'll sort this mess out, I promise" Sakura mumbled, her face positioned against his neck, before drifting off to sleep. She would have to use her generosity and force in a little while.


"Open your eyes."

"I can't."

"Open them."

"I said I can't!"

"You can, open your eyes."

"Am I dead?"

"You will get your answer as soon as you open your eyes."

Not understanding whether you were alive or dead was something Sasuke had already been through. His conscience was there the last time, repeatedly telling him to open his eyes. And now it was here again, saying the exact same thing. It was on his first ever mission, when he saved Naruto from Haku's jutsu. It felt as if it was his last day. To live, to fight, to hate, to care. But then he opened his eyes and all that came to view was pink. Pink hair. And then he knew he was still alive, he knew that he could continue to live, to fight, to hate, to care.

With his eyes closed, all he could see was white, a dazzling and intense white. Wasn't he supposed to see the black darkness? Or do you only see this white when you're about to die?

"Open your eyes"

Sasuke felt soreness coming from all around. Was he starting to function again? The pain shot through him like a sword, wounding him over and over again. But he also felt warmth, a light weight and soft breaths, signs of comfort and ease compared to the agonizing pain. He could feel. He felt alive.

"Open your eyes"

The steady breathing calmed him, the light weight reassured him of someone's presence and the warmth gave him strength. He was alive, he was sure of it.

"Open your eyes"

"I am..."


Slowly, his eyelids started to rise. Now it wouldn't seem like the hardest of tasks, but for Sasuke, it was as if large strong weights were attached to his eyelids, pushing to keep them closed. Slowly he forced them up, forced them to open. "I can do this.. 1... 2... 3!" A dazzling flash of white emerged and went, followed by the very thing that he had wanted to see.

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