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Hello folks, how are you doing today? I am going to upload an entry every week (so every Wednesday I guess) until the quarantine period is over. (I.e 15/04, 22/04, 29/04)
This is mainly because quarantine life is repetitive and not much happens in 24 hours, so I've made this a weekly thing, yeah let's go with that👍

Dear viewers,

Life has been so dead. Every day I wake up to do the same thing which is just eating and watching anime/kdrama and obviously sleeping. But during this week, I did, however, move rooms. You see, I live in a three-bedroom house with 5 people so it usually works out because we share. But that's the thing about social distancing, you should still keep away from even your family members, perhaps not two feet but there should at least be some gap. Especially if they go outside often or show signs that they are feeling sick or just not in their right condition.Something that is too difficult for my family because they are usually so up in everyone's business.

 However, due to these circumstances, we have all decided to sleep in different rooms.  You may be wondering how a family of 5 can sleep in separate rooms in a house with only three bedrooms. Well, my sister, mother and I sleep upstairs where all the rooms are. My brother sleeps in the living room (don't worry, we actually moved his bed there and we don't have a lot of things in our living room.) My father sleeps in the dining room (once again, he has a blow-up bed whilst I sleep on a futon. There is just something amazing about sleeping 'almost' on the floor.)

Unfortunately, my mother works in a pharmacy and is actually required to go outside and can't be taken out of work, so we agreed that it will be much safer if everyone was separated, even if it's just for sleep? if that makes any sense what so ever. 

I moved into the box room so everything I need is at my convenience. My computer, my futon and now I even eat in my room, all of which sounds very unhealthy but no worries, I still exercise here and there. Also this way, my parents don't keep calling my name 24/7 and I can actually have some time for myself. I mean, I am not saying I hate spending time with my family, it's just the phrase 'spending time' has a whole new meaning in my family. I mean we are always together anyways so it doesn't really matter.

 I also started watching a new Korean drama series called 'Perfume' which I completed today. It's a good time pass and actually quite funny. There are still many things I need to start doing which is to start reading up the law course and by prepping me for university but my mind has been on hiatus ever since the day exams were cancelled. Starting work is such a hassle because it's such a long and tiring process but I guess I should really get started.

That's all that happened...see, I told you, not much happens in even a week because all you do is stay home. Until next time.


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