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After Borris Johnson's new announcement, I have been thinking long and hard about what becomes of this quarantine journal. His words, in a nutshell, is basically to go about life normally but still take extra precautions and follow social distancing rules (i.e like staying 2 meters away from others outside your household.) Little by little, life is going back to being normal which means eventually I'll be allowed to leave my house. As of now, two people from different households can meet in outdoor settings, such as parks (as long as social distancing rules are followed.) A lot of facilities like the gym and playgrounds are still shut to avoid close contact with others but we are slowly transitioning out of the lockdown phase. They are even thinking about reopening primary schools no later than early June so that their carers are able to go back to work. But like I said...what becomes of this journal? Should I stop writing the moment I step out of the house or perhaps when everything reopens? Even if I am allowed to go outside, I am only able to go to either the park or the supermarket that is within walking distance...is that really enough to say that I am no longer on lockdown...maybe, maybe not. My final decision is that I'll keep writing until the beginning of June and then put an end to this journal. Hopefully, by then, things would've calmed down even if just by a little.

 Anyhow in terms of the things that went down last week, I continued to clean the fallen branches in the garden and after what felt like forever, the garden was finally clean (hopefully it stays that way for a while because I have no more energy to do that.) Suprise Suprise!! I watched more dramas (while you were sleeping and the tale of nokdu,) and obviously did chores. The next thing on the list is to paint the house but we are still lacking in a few pieces of equipment such as a paint roller and a tray, so it can't be helped. Life is so repetitive that it's a bit tiring at this point, I mean here and there we do something out of the ordinary but even still some activities (like painting the house) are on a pause because of the difficulty of finding shops that are both open and also sell all the necessary equipment. I am actually looking forward to going outside, even if it's just going to the local park for now...even if I can't meet my friends (due to the heightened distance between our houses,)  it's always fun to just step out of the house. My poor keys haven't been touched for almost 2 months nor had it felt the inside of the lock in a long time. At least, if I go outside to exercise, I'll have something worth writing about. So I'll have to cut the entry short! Until next time! 



Tell me what's the situation in your area and how you are dealing with it in the comments down below!

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