"Don't make promises you can't keep."
Noah Reed is lost. Fed up with his constant attitude and need for self-destruction, his mother sends him to live out the rest of the year with his father in hop...
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I study the girl who stares back at me as I face the mirror carefully. I've since memorized every inch of her face, knowing everything there is to know about her.
She may be my reflection, but she isn't me.
The girl who stares back at me is smiling as if she has no care in the world. Her eyes sparkle like sunshine streams from within her irises, warmth and kindness etched into the creases of her features. Her smile is so wide it's as if she doesn't have anything to worry about at all, and you'd never be able to tell by looking at her how badly her cheeks ache from forcing so many grins.
You'd never know by looking at her how much she hurts inside. She appears so happy on her exterior, why worry about what's going on inside? Let her looks deceive. Nobody notices the look in her eyes that sometimes appears shattered. Nobody sees into her soul, the parts of her where the sun doesn't shine. They see her smile, and then they look away.
Nobody sees all of the darkness hidden within.
My phone suddenly dings, the abrupt sound startling me and making me flinch. I lean over my bed and reach for my phone, finding the notification to be a text from Mason. Just the sight of his name on my screen brings forth a rush of emotions. Sadness, anger, regret, longing, and something deeper. If I were the kind of girl to hate, I'd call that feeling hatred. However, I'm not that kind of girl. That's what makes me so weak, so easy to hurt. I care too much. No matter how many times someone wrongs me, I'll always care too much.
I hate that about myself.
I drop my phone on my mattress, not wanting to answer Mason. I hope he won't search for me in the halls tomorrow to ask why I didn't respond to his text, because I know I won't be able to lie to him. I'm not good at lying in general, but especially not to Mason.
It's a good thing he doesn't know that's what I do every time I offer him a smile. Lie.
However, I suppose it's not really him I'm lying to when I give him one of my painful smiles. Deep down, I know that it's me I'm lying to. And I guess I'm going to continue to lie to myself until I start to believe that all my fake smiles are real.
a/n: i actually miss school?????? what is wrong w me?????
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