"Don't make promises you can't keep."
Noah Reed is lost. Fed up with his constant attitude and need for self-destruction, his mother sends him to live out the rest of the year with his father in hop...
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The four of us end up on the beach a few hours later, wanting to make the most of the day before having to head home tomorrow. Realizing Mia and Thorne will be returning to their hometown the following day leaves me feeling a little down, as I'm going to miss them, even if it's childish.
My thoughts break as Blake slips her hand through mine, interlacing our fingers. The action of holding her hand is so simple, yet it means the world to me. I don't think Blake will ever know how important she is to me; I don't think I'll ever be able to put into words all that she is to me. Before Blake Rhodes entered my life, I was in a dark place. It took her light shining on my darkness to fill me with life again, and I'll be forever grateful to her for saving me.
And, somewhere along the journey I've been on with her, I fell in love with Blake. It's the only word that seems right to describe what I feel for her. I couldn't imagine life without her in it, and I don't want a future without her by my side. It's only when I'm with her that everything makes sense.
Blake raises an eyebrow at me as we come to a halt by the shoreline of the ocean, questioning, "What are you thinking about?"
I lift a hand to her cheek to brush back a few curls as I whisper, "You."
Hesitantly, she asks, "What about me?"
"Oh, you know," I respond casually, "pressing you up against a wall, your legs wrapped around my—"
"Noah Reed!" Blake interrupts, shoving my chest. I laugh as I notice the pink tinge to her cheeks, expression flushed.
"I'm only messing with you," I say as she shoots me a warning glance. Leaning close to her ear, I whisper, "Although, I do want to—"
"Noah!" Blake cries, cheeks flushing all over again. She's so cute when she's all frustrated, I can't resist chuckling. Blake rolls her eyes as she releases an irritated huff of breath, though her lip twitches as if she's holding back a smile.
A few feet away from us, a splash sound resonates through the air, catching my attention. I turn to find a smirking Thorne looking down at a soaked Mia, who has just come up from beneath a wave. Her expression is murderous as she glares up at Thorne, though he doesn't look as afraid as I would be if Mia were seething at me like that.
"What the hell?" Mia exclaims, dark hair dripping as she stands up, her t-shirt clinging to her skin. "Thorne! Why?"
Thorne shrugs, expression smug. "You dared me to push you, so I did. You get what you ask for, right?"
"I was being sarcastic, you idiot!" Mia shoves Thorne, causing him to stagger backwards slightly.
"I'm not scared of you, Sunshine," Thorne says, though he still takes a step away from her.
"You should be," Mia retorts. She lunges for him, though Thorne merely wraps his arms around her waist to hold her still before splashing her with cold water. I watch as Mia shoves him into an oncoming wave, causing Thorne to disappear beneath the water for a moment before coming back up with his dark hair flattened against his forehead, expression not amused.