17 | noah

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My eyes seem to be glued to Blake Rhodes from where she stands across the schoolyard, unable to be torn away from her silhouette

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My eyes seem to be glued to Blake Rhodes from where she stands across the schoolyard, unable to be torn away from her silhouette. I don't know how I spotted her in the first place, don't know why I'd been absentmindedly looking for her. I haven't seen her since I'd been at her house over the weekend, but I haven't been able to get her off of my mind since before then, and I wish I knew what that meant.

Studying her now, I find that she looks as radiant as usual. I notice her easily, as Blake Rhodes couldn't blend into the background even if she tried.

The first time I'd met her, I'd thought she was cute. Yet so far from my type, it was ridiculous. However, it seems that she has become something beautiful in my eyes. All the things that I am not, so much goodness and grace, packed inside one small body—how could I not find her beautiful? Now, I feel she's changed in my eyes once again. Watching her laugh with her dark-haired friend across the yard, I find myself thinking that beautiful can't possibly describe all that she is. She's luminous. Walking sunlight. Her smile alone could light up all of my darkest thoughts and feelings. Blake Rhodes belongs in her own category of beautiful, deserves to have an entirely new word created to describe all that she is.

Blake suddenly looks up and right in my direction, as if sensing that I'm thinking of her. Our gazes lock instantly, her warm brown eyes meeting my dark blue. She glances at me for a moment, seemingly trying to comprehend that I'm looking back at her. Then her face lights up in that smile of hers I've come to adore, raising her hand in a wave. I don't think before returning the gesture.

Grinning, Blake gestures to something by my right. I look around, wondering what she's motioning to. Not finding anything, I glance at her with an eyebrow raised in question.

Blake rolls her eyes good-naturedly, the hint of a smile on her lips as she raises a hand to her lips and mimics smoking a cigarette. It suddenly hits me that she's teasing me for not having a cigarette in hand.

I shake my head at her as I bite back a teasing smile, her own grin widening in realization that I've understood her. I want to walk off right now, before things can inevitably lead to destruction between us.

However, when Blake approaches me, I remain standing firmly in place, unable to walk away.

"Wow," Blake says once she reaches me. "Look at you! Have you finally understood the dangers of smoking?"

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips, and I can't stop the grin from spreading. I think it's Blake's smile. It must be infectious or something.

"Actually," I correct her, "I ran out and haven't had the chance to get a new pack."

Blake tilts her head, dirty blond hair tumbling over her shoulder as she pouts at me. My gaze zeroes in on her lips, and I have a sudden urge to lean forward and kiss her. It's a crazy impulse, though one I find hard to resist.

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