30 | blake

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"I really don't know, Jess," I say to my best friend as we navigate through the crowded hallway, heading for the school doors at the end of the day

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"I really don't know, Jess," I say to my best friend as we navigate through the crowded hallway, heading for the school doors at the end of the day. "That just doesn't really sound like something I want to do right now."

"You say that every time I ask you to go a party with me," Jess complains.

"Exactly," I say to her with a smile. "So, you should know better than to even me ask by now."

"Ask you what?" a familiar voice questions from my right. I glance over to find that Noah has fallen into step with me and Jess as we exit through the front doors and step outside.

"Ask Blake to go to a party with me this Friday," Jess informs Noah. "Of course, she said no. Maybe you can convince the girl to live a little, Reed."

Noah smirks, shaking his head. Sometimes it still startles me to see him when he's not brooding. However, he seems to be doing a lot better lately, opening up to me and Jess in his own way.

"Whose party is it?" Noah asks Jess, ignoring her former remark.

"I don't know the guy. He goes to the college. But his brother is in my English class. I heard the word 'keg' and knew I was in, so . . ." Jess trails off, shrugging unashamedly. "Only, there's no way I'm going alone. So either miss wild thing over here broadens her horizons and goes with me, or I'm taking you, Noah."

"You can't just take people to parties without their consent, Jess," Noah teases.

"Oh, please." Jess rolls her eyes. "Like you're not going to show up anyway. Oh wait. I totally forgot that you're some depressed lone wolf who only talks to girls younger than him. Is that your kink?"

Noah shoots Jess a glare, though I can tell he's not really angry. The corner of his lip twitches, threatening a smile.

"Make all the fun you want," Noah taunts, "but you're looking at the world's most wild retired party boy of the century."

Jess narrows her eyes. "I've heard some rumors about you," she admits. "Only, I thought they were really just rumors."

Noah shrugs, pulling a cigarette from the box in his hand and slipping it between his lips. "Some of them are," he replies vaguely.

"Is it true that you once got so drunk at a party, you ended up getting married to a girl you hooked up with because you ran into a priest?" Jess asks. I blink, eyes wide as I gape at Noah.

"Rumor," Noah answers nonchalantly, lighting up his cigarette as the three of us head for the parking lot. I don't know why I'm relieved by his answer, but I guess it's good to hear that the guy I'm crushing on has never been married—

I blink, confused by my own thoughts. When did I start considering my friendship with Noah to be a crush? There's no way I can be developing feelings for Noah Reed. So what if he has a killer smile and is absolutely gorgeous? And what does it matter that he's incredibly patient and kind with me, even though he doesn't give anyone else the time of day? He's just a friend.


Before I'm able to decipher my sudden confusing feelings for Noah Reed, Jess starts to talk again.

"Did you really break into an ABC store at midnight and steal an entire aisle's worth of vodka, then secondhand sell it for a hundred dollars a case?" Jess inquires. I begin to wonder where she's heard such extravagant rumors about the boy standing next to me.

Noah chuckles as he takes a drag from his cigarette, exhaling slowly before saying, "Rumor."

"Okay. What about this one: Did you really jump into a pool from the roof of a three story building?"

I gasp as I look over at Noah, who smirks at my reaction and blows smoke from his cigarette.

"True," Noah replies. His smile is crude as he adds, "That was the first and last time I ever tried ecstasy. Most of that night is a blur."

"You idiot!" I shove Noah's shoulder as I shoot him a glare. "You could have gotten yourself killed."

"Sorry." Noah's smirk reveals that he is not, in fact, very sorry. "I forgot that you care so much about my safety, sweetheart."

"Well, one of us has to," I retort.

"Calm down, sweetheart," Noah chides, gaze dancing with amusement. "I promise I won't jump off of any more roofs, okay?"

"I'm holding you to that," I agree grudgingly.

"Hey, I said I was the world's most wild retired party boy of the century. Nothing to worry about."

I don't know why, but just thinking about Noah's crazy past has my stomach churning. I care about Noah Reed more than I first thought I would, and it's nerve-racking having to wonder if he may endanger himself again. I don't like the thought of losing him.

Noah must sense my inner turmoil, because his gaze softens as he glances down at me. "I promise you I'll take it easy, okay? That stuff was in the past, anyway."

"Don't make any promises just yet, Reed," Jess chides. "I'm gonna need you to be temporarily un-retired Friday night."

I glare at Jess, which she responds to with a shrug.

Noah shakes his head before saying, "You know what? Why not? I don't have anything better to do."

"Yes!" Jess cries, turning to me as she says, "I guess I don't have to drag you to a party against your will now."

"You could come with," Noah says, eyes on mine. "I mean, it could be fun. And someone has to keep me in line, right?"

I narrow my eyes. "Are you seriously trying to use the fact that I care about your health as leverage against me?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing." Noah grins, and the sight makes my heart pound a little harder. "Is it working?"

I don't know what it is about Noah that is suddenly getting to me. He and I couldn't be more different even if we'd intended to be polar opposites. Yet, every time he smiles at me or his eyes meet mine, it's undeniable that I feel something. Something I don't feel around anyone else.

Something that drives me to whisper, "Yes," and know the answer is true.


a/n: if you're reading this: hi. i'm very grateful for you.

 i'm very grateful for you

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