23 | noah

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"I don't even know where to start

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"I don't even know where to start." Dad sighs wearily, running a hand through his tousled hair.

The two of us are standing in the kitchen, Dad's preferred room of the house to fuss at me in. However, this time Dad doesn't seem to have a speech prepared. I guess he's pretty shocked that I would punch one of his employees in the face. Of course, Drew had to go and tattle on me, like some child. Based on the way he talked about Blake, I'd say his maturity hasn't caught up with his age.

Needless to say, I think he deserved the black eye I gave him.

"I guess I'll start with this: Why on earth did you feel the need to punch one of my employees?"

I cross my arms over my chest, standing my ground. "He was being a douche."

"That's not a good enough reason to give someone a black eye. I understand not getting along with someone, but—"

"He was talking about Blake."

Dad hesitates, clearly taken aback. "What do you mean?" he asks after a moment, eyes full of question.

"I mean the asshole was basically suggesting I've been sleeping around with Blake Rhodes," I blurt out of anger. "Then he went on to say I had scored. He pissed me off, so I punched him. I don't like when guys talk about Blake—girls, I mean girls—like that. It's disgusting."

Dad stiffens uncomfortably. My father is close with the Rhodes family, and I'm sure he doesn't like hearing his best friend's daughter being spoken of in such a way.

"Well, you're right. That is disgusting. But you can't just go around hitting people when you're upset, Noah. Especially when it's not a fair fight. I'd like to think you know better than that."

I wait for Dad to lecture me, but he doesn't add anything else. Instead, he turns to the fridge, pulling open the metal door and grabbing a water bottle.

"That's . . . it?" I question, surprised.

"I have nothing more to say about the situation." Dad shrugs. "As long as it doesn't happen again, we're done here."

I hesitate for a moment, lingering in the kitchen before wordlessly turning toward the stairs.

"You know." Dad's voice stops me in my tracks, and I turn to face him slowly, wondering if he's going to lecture me, after all. "Blake's a really nice girl, Noah. I've known her all her life. She's a little shy at first, but you'll love her when you get to know her. She has the biggest heart. Loves with all she has."

I'm unsure of why my dad feels the need to tell me this. Raising an eyebrow, I ask, "What's your point?"

"I just think she's good for you, is all," Dad says nonchalantly. "You need someone like Blake Rhodes in your life."

With that, Dad turns on his heel and heads for the living room, walking off without another word.

For the first time ever, I think my father and I might agree on something.


a/n: dear 2020, please end. you suck.

 you suck

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