Chapter 10 - Thanks for the memories

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The next morning, I woke up with Nathan's arms securely wrapped around me. My head was on his chest and he was sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake him up, but my every slight moment made his lose his sleep.

"Morning babe!" He said in his morning voice.

"Morning!" I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Last night was a good night!" He smiled wide. "We should fight more often. Make up sex is really good!" He laughed.

I playfully hit his arm and started pulling the covers off me and got up. But the next second, Nathan pulled me down and hugged me tight.

"Stay longer babe!" He whispered not letting me go.

"Nathan... please.. let me go!" I tried wriggling for freedom.

"No! You have to stay longer!" He said laughing.

"Nathan!!" I struggled.

"Ok Nathan.. I'm suffocating! I can't breathe!" I cried. I was actually only pretending.

"Omg! Elli are you alright?" He said letting me go. I quickly sprung out of bed and laughed at him.

"Sucker!" I teased.

"Oh my god! You're going to pay for that Taylor" He pouted.

"Its about time we got out of bed Nath. I also have to feed Evie you know! You're not the only baby I can tend to." I said before walking into the toilet to get the everyday stuff done. In no time there were cries coming from Evie's room signalling that she was up.

I rushed to her room to already find Nathan hugging and kissing her head. It was adorable father and daughter love. I smiled at him and he blew me a kiss. We both then walked to the bathroom to get her washed in her little baby tub and then get her changed. While washing her Nathan splashed a little water on my on purpose.

"That's for teasing me in bed" He chuckled.

I just laughed and Evie had a little giggle too.

"Baby Evie finds daddy funny?" Nathan asked her in a baby voice before kissing her on the cheek.

We then placed her on the bed to get her dressed up.

Then Nathan picked her up and we both headed downstairs. I made us both a cuppa. And I made Evie's baby food.

We sat by the kitchen stools with Evie on Nath's lap. I made an attempt to feed her, but these days it's really hard. And I lose patience very quick.

"Calm down Elli! I'll feed her! She's a baby. Go easy on her!" Nathan said, seeing that I was getting angry with Evie.

He then started feeding her calmly! And she actually ate her food.

"See!" Nathan said.

"I'm such a bad mother!" I looked down.

"No babe! You just need to do it slow and calm! That's how babies like it!" He smiled. I gave him a weak smile back.

The door bell rang shortly.

"I'll get it!" I said as I walked to answer the door.

As usual, it was her. Emily!

"Yes?" I asked, not sounding very nice.

"Uhm, I'm here to see Nathan!"

"NATHAN! You have a visitor!!" I shouted to the kitchen. Shortly Nathan emerged with Evie in his hands.

"Hey Nath!" She greeted with a wide smile.

"Oh hey Em. What's up?" Now they call each other Nath and Em. Why don't they just get married. Alright maybe I was a bit jealous!

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out." She smiled again.

"Uhm..." Nathan looked at me and then back at her.

"Uhm Em. I really want to spend time with my girlfriend.."

"Nathan you can go if you want to! I'll look after Evie." I smiled, cutting him off.

"Is she your niece?" Emily asked me.

"She's our daughter!" I said smiling pointing at me and Nath. The smile on her face immediately dropped.

"I thought you guys hung out a lot. And you never knew that we had a child?" I asked shocked. Nathan looked down like he was guilty.

"Nathan are you ashamed of having a baby with me?" I asked, quite hurt.

"No! No babe! The topic just never rose! Ok?" He tried consoling me.

"I cannot believe this!" I said grabbing Evie from his hands and walking into the house.

I heard Emily and Nathan mumbling something and then Nathan shutting the door and coming to where I was. Before he could even speak I cut him off.

"Nathan I don't want to hear it!" I hissed.

"Elyssa, it's not what you think! I swear, the topic just never came up! She's always on about other stuff."

"I thought Evie was one of the most important things in your life! And yet you fail to speak about her to your new friend?" I asked confused and angry.

"... I don't know!" He looked at the ground. I was extremely hurt with Nathan.

"Nathan... I think we should take a break!" I whispered loud enough for him to hear. His head quickly rose from the ground.

"What?" He asked.

"I think we shouldn't be together for sometime. All we do is fight! All the time! I don't like it! And it really hurts me!" I told him.

"Elyysa don't be stupid! Couples fight all the time!! Doesn't mean we have to break up!"

"It's for the best!! Look at us! Look at what mess we've become! It was never like this before! We fight every single day!" I cried.

"That happens El! Please don't leave me and go for that!"

"I just think we need a break! I need a break!" I said. His eyes had now filled with tears and I was really falling apart seeing him like that. But I guess it was for the good of things.

"Don't do this.." He whispered holding back his tears.

"I'm sorry!" I looked down, to stop my tears!


Author's note:

Here comes another crappy chapter! I tried! Tell me how crap it is on a scale from 1 - 10. 10 being the crappiest! Thanks for reading! And I'm so sorry for dissapointing anyone.


Ella x

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