Chapter 12 - Forgotten

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"I love you" Nathan whispered.

My brain still hadn't processed what I had just heard. I stared at him widening my eyes. I thought he hated me, and he clearly showed me a lot of signs in the last week. He hardly looked at me, or even bothered talking to me. If he ever spoke to me or came close to me when I was with Evie. And now he just told me he loved me. I didn't know how to react. Ofcourse, I loved him too. I loved him more than anything in this world. Maybe I loved Evie that much too, but I love them both in a different way.

Nathan was staring deep into my eyes as he got up from the bed and walked towards me.

"It's true! I still love you!" He said again. He waited for a response from me, but I was still in a shock.

"You don't have to love me back. I just wanted you to know that.." He grabbed my hand and put it in between his.

".. I love you so much Elyssa. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and Evie too. I'm sorry I messed up our relationship. But I will never love a girl like how I loved you." He said squeezing my hand gently in his.

My eyes had already started tearing. I didn't let him say another word and just pressed my lips against his. It took him a few seconds to kiss me back. That one kiss that I had missed for so long. It was just a week, but it felt like a whole century. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist to bring me closer. I pulled away and stared into his eyes.

"I love you too Nathan!" I smiled and kissed him again.

We stood there kissing for a while until we heard Evie crying. We parted away and chuckled a little.

"Let's check on her now, shall we?" He laughed. I nodded.

Nathan picked her up and cradled her.

"What's happen to my baby girl? Daddy's here now! shhh" He tried putting her to sleep.

He then started singing to her. I just stared at the adorable father he was. Then all of a sudden the lights in the house went off. I looked at Nathan,  with frightened eyes.

"Babe! Stay here with her! I'll check and be back!" He said handing me Evie.

"But Nath. You're going alone? Maybe I should come alone too." I insisted.

"No babe! Stay here. I'll be alright!" He smiled and kissed my cheek softly and made his way down.

I stood there rocking Evie. And in a seconds time the light was back on. Nathan didn't even have to check.

He came back in chuckling to himself. I put Evie in her cot and gently rocked her as I watched her drift off to sleep. Nathan wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck.

"I love you!" He whispered in my ear.

I just let out a smile and leaned myself against him.


I was up quite late the next morning. I walked into the kitchen to seeing Nathan sitting there with Emily. Yeah she came over a lot after we split up. She didn't look extremely happy when she saw me. Not that I was bothered.

"Hey Nath" I smiled at him.

"Morning babe!" He said as he got up and kissed my lips softly.

"Hey Emily!" I greeted, trying to be a nicer person.

"Hey!" She smiled.

"Wow! You guys are back together?" She asked awkwardly. Her face expression told me she wasn't very happy.

"Yeah" We smiled looking at each other.

"Oh" she whispered. "That's cute" She said looking down and fiddling with her hair. What was with her? And why did Nathan like hanging out with her so much? Maybe she fancied him and thats why she hates me!

"Tea babe?" Nathan asked me.

"No Thank you!" I smiled.

"Nobody says no to tea!" He exclaimed.

"I think I just did, a few seconds ago!" I said.

"You're a weird person."

"Thank you Nath." I widely smiled.

"So Emily, what's up with you? We never talk much!" I smiled at her trying to stir up a conversation.

"Uhm.. Yeah things are just going the normal way. Nothing special" She replied.

"Oh, how is your boyfriend.. uhm Louis?"

"Oh he's fine. He's actually visiting his parents in Sheffield!"

"I'm from Sheffield too!"

"Oh.. Yeah same!" She gave me a faint smile and looked down again. What was wrong with her? Was she unhappy that she shared the same hometown as me.

"I uhm.. better get going! I have some work to do!" She said as she got up and quickly walked to the door.

Nathan bid her farewell and went up stairs. I ran behind Emily. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to make sure that she was ok.

"Emily!!" I shouted. She quickly turned around.

"Emily!" I breathed loud.

"Yea?" She asked confused.

"Is there a problem? You seemed really uncomfortable there! And if you have a problem with me just tell me! I've seen you acting really weird around me." I told her.

She stared at me for a while and there was sadness in her eyes.

"Elyssa.. I can't believe you don't remember!" She said almost in the verge of tears.

"Emily.. what are you talking about?"

"Uhm.. Never mind!" She said as she wiped her tears and swiftly walked away. I couldn't stop her! What was she on about? What does she mean I don't remember?


CHAPTER 12! Did you guys like it? Tell me what you think in the comments below! Please VOTE/FAN! It makes me happy! :)


Ella x

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