Chapter 16 - Heartless

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That one feeling you have when your whole world turns around. That one instance when you feel like you're the worse person alive, and you don't deserve to breathe. I was a girl who went through a very bad childhood. I knew how it felt to be betrayed and abandoned. One of the main reasons why I don't like hurting any one around me. But as I stared at that picture again and again, I felt like I needed to kill myself.

Those memories came back to me in the time of a second. The memories, I spent with her.. Emily..Emily Taylor.. my little sister.. my blood sister! I never recognized her. I hadn't seen her for 8 years! She never tried talking to me or trying to reach me. Neither did I. I felt terrible.

The door opened shortly. And she stood there. She noticed the picture in my hand, and realised  that I knew. She looked at my hand and back to me.

"Elyssa!" She whispered close to tears.


"Well, atleast now you remember who I really am!" She spoke in a funny and angry tone.

"Em, I'm so sorry! I hadn't seen you, or mum and dad in 8 years! You weren't even there at home when I left! Your parties were more important to you!"

"DONT BLAME IT ALL ON ME! OK? You have no idea what I had to go through after you left!! Mum and dad treated me like fucking shit!!!! They beat me up and mentally tortured me! You left me to rot with those devils!" She screamed at me.

"Why did you never tell me? Or call me? Emily, I would have always helped you."

"YOU? You would help me?" She laughed. "I was so happy when you left!!! Oh god! All the fucking drama you showed inside the house! It was like a relief when you left."

"ALRIGHT?!? Then why the fuck are you blaming all this 'mum and dad beating you up' thing on me?" I asked, using air quotes!

"Because, they were so frustrated after you left. Something happened to them! They changed and accused me for everything wrong. Even the slightest thing!" She spat at my face.

"Why are you doing this Em? You need to go see somebody about this! You are too violent for how old you are!"

"Oh really?? Shut up you piece of shit!"

"You are 18 years old for christ sake! And you're the one who killed Louis aren't you? And then you framed me for his murder!"

"Well, I told him my plans, to kill you! He never cooperated, so he had to go!" 

"You're a heartless bitch!" I hissed. "You wanted to kill me? Why?" I asked her

"My life was a living hell after you left! Really! I escaped from Mum and Dad last year, after they moved to America! AND my life was bad only because of you Elyssa. After you left, mum started hating me! She beat me up, and did horrible things to me! Dad..... dad raped me!!" She started crying.

"Emily.. did you never go to the police?"

"And how are they going to believe me?? What evidence do I have! The filthy rich father of ours would never get caught! He just didn't do it once El! He came to my room almost every night... I could never tell mom! She always called me a liar and desperate for attention.." She sobbed. I went to comfort her, but then she pushed me away.

"It was all your fault. And then after like a decade, when I see you move in here, you have THE PERFECT life! You were so happy and YOU fucking didn't deserve that!!! I tried everything to break you and Nathan apart! But nothing ever worked. That stupid guy is soooooo in love with you! It's sad that he's in love with such a whore!" She snarled.

I just shook my head and tried to hold back my tears. My own sister had turned into an animal! She was filled with so much hate and nothing good was left within her. I wish I could change that, but I guess it's too late.

"You want to kill me Em? Do it! But Please leave Nath alone! He has nothing to do with this!" I begged.

"I know! I will let him go Elyssa, don't worry!" She laughed evilly.

"Come on! I'll kill you in front of him!" She said pulling me aggressively by my arm and taking me to the room Nathan was in. 

Nathan was pale, and looked like he could collapse any time. He stared as Emily pulled me in. She had a gun in her other hand.

"Emily.. what are you doing?" Nathan asked concerned.

"I'm going to kill your girlfriend. Right here, right now!" She smirked.

"Emily! Don't you dare!" He shouted at her.

"Oh.. Someone's getting angry!" She chuckled.

"Elyssa, what the fuck is this?" Nathan asked me.

"I'm sorry! It's the only way, she'll leave you and Evie alone!" I looked to the ground.

He walked up to me and pushed Emily's hand away from mine. He grabbed hold of my face and made me look at him.

"What are you talking about huh? You think I'll be able to live without you?" He cried. He was seriously crying and I've never seen him crying like this.

"Nathan please!" I said trying to push him away.

"Do I mean nothing to you? He asked grabbing me tighter.

"I love you Nathan!" I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I just have to do this, I'm sorry!" I uttered. Soon his lips were joint to mine and he was kissing me passionately!

After a minute, we pulled away and he whispered, "Don't do this! Please!"

Emily gave me a harsh tug. "That's enough for a goodbye!" She said.

Nathan pulled me from her and hugged me tight. "I'm not letting her go! You'll have to shoot me first!"

Soon there was loud knocking on the front door!

"Emily Taylor! Open this door right now!" A man spoke. Soon the door was broken down.

Emily looked at us in anger and pulled the trigger. I screamed as I saw Nathan falling too the ground more blood pouring our of him.

"Nooooooo!" I screeched and cried my eyes out. Then she pulled the trigger again, causing me to feel this pain go through my skin.

I fell to the ground next to Nathan and held tightly onto his hand. Soon everything started blacking out.


Chapter 16! What do you guys think? I really thank you all for reading this fanfic. It means so much to me! Please vote/fan if you like it.

I wanted to tell you that the fanfic is soon coming to an end. I will not be writing a sequel to this, but I may start a new fanfic, and I already have an idea for it.

I love you all so much!

-Ella x

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