Chapter 1: New Day

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A/N: This book is not connected to The Richardson's nor is it connected to Alexander or their kids. This is a brand new mafia book. Please give it a chance ❤️


"Yes Mum, I'm fine".

I switched my phone on loud speaker as I rushed around the flat gathering up all my essentials for the busy day ahead. My mum was always calling me at the worst sorts of times, but it was my mum and I always loved speaking to her. I had all the time in the world for her.

Ever since dad died, she had been working herself into ill health. I wished there was more I could do for her to help ease the tension off the mortgage and bills. If only I could win the lottery, I'd spoil her until the ends of the earth. But deep down, I think she likes the heavy workload. It keeps her mind preoccupied and takes away from the loneliness she feels as we've all moved out.

"You eating enough darling? I can send you over some sausage casserole or chilli con carne. Or how's about your favourite, cheesy pesto pasta with crispy bacon bits and a side of garlic bread".

This was so typical of mum to be worrying about me over herself. She had spent most of her life trying to fatten me up saying I needed more meat on my bones. She was that type of woman who always put others first. 

I wished I could stay with her, especially since dad died and my 3 older brothers left home, but she knew that this was my dream. She watched every show I ever performed and was the one who always inspired me to pursue ballet. 

"Mum, are you forgetting I live in London. I'm not sure the Royal Mail would accept you sending a container of cooked pasta in a first class parcel. But to answer your question, yes I'm eating and no I've got lots of food. I'm sorry, but I need to cut this call short as I'm on my way to rehearsals, but we can speak later".

"Okay darling. Love you lots".

"Love you too, mum".

Pressing the red button, I switched my phone off and slipped it into my coat pocket before grabbing my keys and swiftly exiting my nice warm flat.

Pulling my hood up, I zipped my fluffy coat up and wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck. The air was bitter and snow covered the streets of busy London, people rushing by to get out of the snow.

The streets were decorated with Christmas lights and families passed me by with their excitable children staring into shop windows in delight at all the Christmas trees, toys and decorations.

It wouldn't be long until I could return home and celebrate Christmas with my own family. It had been way too long since I had been home with my family. With my mum living up in Yorkshire, one brother in Australia, one in Canada and one down in Cornwall, it's fair to say it's been a long time since we all got together. But I'd make sure to organise a surprise reunion. 

Stopping before my favourite cafe, quickly flashed the screen of my phone realising I had a bit of time to spare.

"Here she is, my favourite and only tolerable customer" a loud voice echoed over the calm and quiet atmosphere of the busy cafe.

I attempted to pull my hood further down as all the customers lifted their eyes up from their books or laptops and stared at me.

I may be a ballerina and love the spotlight, but I'd happily die on the spot right here right now. Luckily their attention quickly turned to Cal who laughed awkwardly as their relaxed moods changed.

I couldn't help but smirk as the customers already in the cafe turned to him and glared at him. After all, he had practically insulted every one in the cafe.

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