Chapter 13: Apology

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I was completely mad with rage.

First he knocks me unconscious intentionally and then I find out he has a picture of me set as his wallpaper on his phone.

He didn't even give me a chance to question him on his inappropriate actions as he had rushed off to find Sofia who had run away quickly.

Stomping through the hallways still angry about what had happened, I opened up every room in hopes of finding him and confronting him on his behaviour. But he was nowhere to be seen.

Soon enough, I stood before a door decorated with little stars, hearts and the words 'daddy's little princess' and rested my ear against the closed door.

I could hear very quiet sniffles as if someone had been crying and another person humming a gentle lullaby.

I had found him, but there was no way I was going to confront him now, not when he was comforting his daughter over something she was clearly upset over.

"It's okay princess. Daddy's here and I'm not going anywhere. No-one will ever take you away from me again. I promise baby".

I felt tears well up in my eyes as his words brought back memories of my past. Of my own family and reminded me of my dad before his untimely death.

His building caught fire, multiple casualties. His body was never found, but we all knew if he was alive he'd eventually find us. But he never came home.

Suddenly the door swung open and Oscar stared at me with the same intense look he always gave me.

I could feel goosebumps shoot up my skin as he stared me up and down, his body was rigid and tense as his eyes fell to mine, but his eyes seemed to soften as he noticed I had been crying.

He cleared his throat before stepping out of the room and closed Sofia's door quietly behind him.

"Is she okay?".

All the anger I felt towards him had completely dissipated.

I had only met this girl a few days ago, but I felt something for her. Perhaps it was her innocence, or the way she saw the good in everything. She had a kidnap attempt not long ago, yet she smiled as if everything was perfect.

"She'll be fine. She's not been feeling well lately".

There was a raw pain in his eyes, something haunting him making him look weak and broken.

He went to turn away from me, but stopped dead in his tracks before turning back around.

"Before you yell at me, Sofia admitted that she was the one who changed the background on my phone. Just so you now know".

I felt guilt swarm through me as his sad voice echoed around the hall. I had only ever seen a cocky, arrogant side to him, but I never thought something could make a mafia leader so down, so empty.

He went to turn around and walk away from me, but I couldn't let him go, not yet anyway.


He breathed out heavily as he turned his head back to me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. I didn't know".

Oscar turned his head back to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Damn, did I hear you correctly? The little firecracker said sorry? It must be my lucky day. You softening up to me?".

And there he was. The arrogant bastard was back.

"You should feel lucky, I don't give out many apologies especially to assholes like yourself".

Oscar shook his head and let out a light breathy laugh.

And just like that, the calm atmosphere came back as I remembered how upset Sofia was.

"Is there anything I can do to make Sofia feel better?".

His warm eyes looked up to mine and smiled softly.

Oh my God, he's actually smiling. The bastard smiles.

He looked so much more handsome when he smiled.

"No, you being here is making her feel better" he muttered before leaving me alone outside Sofia's room.

There was something strange about the words he said and the smile that accompanied it.

He said that me being here made her feel better, yet from the way he smiled, it seemed as if he felt the same way.

"Pft yeah right. Get some sleep you weirdo".

"You talk to yourself too?" he laughed out.

Jumping back in fright, I looked over to where his voice echoed from.

"I was right. You are a stalker, goodnight".

"Where are you going?" he questioned me as I started walking back to the hospital room I had stayed in.

"I don't need to tell you, you're a stalker, you'll be able to find out for yourself".

Oscar laughed under his breath as his footsteps quickened and  wrapped his hand around my upper arm.

"Let go of me you"-

"Asshole? Bastard? Why don't you come up with a better nickname for me like, Sir, or maybe master. I like master better".

"I take it back, I'm not sorry".

Before I could insult him for his perverted ways, Oscar scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Unhand me you bastard" I yelled out as I smacked his back angrily.

"All you have to do is say the word darling".

Groaning in annoyance, I kicked my legs about and tugged his hair hoping to rip it out of his skull so he could stop manhandling me.

"Don't do that honey, you're turning me on" he groaned deeply making me instantly loosen my grip on his hair.

"I swear to God, you're the most irritating man I have ever met. How did you manage to get such a sweet daughter. Her mother must have been a saint compared to you".

Oscar suddenly froze on the spot and released me from his grip.

Brushing myself down, I looked up at him only to meet his eyes which were full of rage.

This man has more mood swings than a woman on her period.

His body was tense and his fists were clenched tightly together as he edged towards me.

Stepping back in fear of the possibilities of what he was going to do to me, I stumbled back against the wall knowing I had clearly said the wrong thing.

I went to open my mouth, but Oscar turned away and opened up a door revealing a bedroom with my belongings sat on the large bed.

"This is your room. You will be staying here from now on. Sofia wants ballet lessons. You start tomorrow". 

And just like that, the cold terrifying man was back.

He let me walk in before slamming the door behind him.

"I think I fucked up" I mumbled under my breath knowing I had completely crossed the line.

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