Chapter 45: Truth revealed

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"Doll, I can imagine you've got a million questions swarming through that pretty head of yours and I want to answer them, but maybe it's best to do it when you're not currently standing in glass and threatening me with a large shard".

"What else should I be doing when I wake up in a strangers home?".

The man named Cole laughed and my heart stopped. Every single thing made me think of Oscar. The way his eyes crinkled at the edges with his laugh. The way his eyes fell and then looked back into mine. He was a younger version of Oscar.

"Fair enough doll. There's clothes for you in the wardrobe. Have a shower, get dressed and then come down for breakfast. I'll answer all your questions to ease the tension. Hm?".

I remained completely silent unsure what to say or do. My head was completely spinning and an overwhelming wave of nausea flooded my stomach. Most likely the after effect of the drug.


Cole smiled at me before leaving me alone in the bedroom with my endless thoughts.

Not sparing a second any longer with greasy hair, I walked straight to the bathroom and stripped the clothes from off my body eager to wake myself up from this strange dream.

My father told me that he was no longer going to be lenient, so why was I somewhere in which I was being treated like a normal person.

Stepping in to the large shower, I turned the tap on and twisted the handles until I reached the perfect temperature.

Standing underneath the hot water, I looked up and let the water wash over my face. It felt so good to wash on my own free will. Whenever I was due to meet clients, I would be bathed by men as punishment for my defiance. The way their hands touched me as they cleaned me, their eyes staring over my naked body. That was one of my many punishments, but it merely fuelled the fire within. One day, one day I'd come back and kill my father for every little thing he did and put me through.

As I lathered my hair and body in the expensive and sweet smelling shampoos and lotions, I looked down at my body and stood completely still.

I had been fighting so much that I didn't realise how bad my body looked. I had lost so much weight in a short time and I was covered in bruises. But those could be covered. But there was one thing that could never be hidden or gotten rid of.

Tracing my finger over my neck, I winced at the tenderness of the mark left by the shock collar. I didn't even realise it had been taken off until now, but I could still remember the feeling of the volts going through me even though it wasn't on me anymore. 

No-one would ever love me with scars and burns like this. How could I hide something like this from everyone. It would raise questions in conversations every time someone sees it. I would constantly be reminded of the man I once believed to be my sweet dad torturing me.

I don't know if it was the fact that I felt safe for the first time in weeks or the memories of what I had been through, but everything started to spin. The temperature of the water was rising, but I was too numb to switch it off. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe properly.

I felt my body become weak as I cried out for help. I needed Oscar. I wanted him so badly.

He always held and comforted me, but he was no longer apart of my life. That was a reality I'd have to accept.

As I fell to the floor, the door burst open and Cole walked in with concern on his face.

A maid rushed in behind him just as concerned as he was.

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