Chapter 23: Hangover

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I had managed to fall asleep after Oscar's drunken show only to dream of him continuing his drunk antics in my dreams.

I hadn't been asleep for long, but it was all I needed.

Throwing the duvet from off of my legs, I dragged my feet across the cream soft carpet and wondered into the bathroom wondering how best to address Oscar.

After a quick shower, I stepped out of the bathroom with damp hair and walked straight into the walk in wardrobe eager to start the day ahead.

I had woken up in a very good mood and I was ready to wind Oscar the hell up. He came to my room at 4am blind drunk, so now I was going to take the piss out of him whilst he suffers his hangover.

Opting for a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized t-shirt, I slipped on some fresh underwear and quickly put the newly picked clothes on. I had woken up extremely hungry and was in need of some greasy food.

Leaving my damp hair down, I looked in the mirror and sighed heavily. I was still devastated about my career and all the hard work I had put into it, but teaching Sofia would take my mind off of it.

Closing the bedroom door behind me, I walked through the hallways greeting the staff that lived in this gigantic mansion. This place was starting to feel like home more and more everyday. But it felt weird to say that. This was a mafia house, everyday was dangerous. My heart broke for Sofia. She was the happiest, liveliest girl and in some way she was trapped here.

I have to change that.

"Good morning" I sung as I burst through the dining room halls eager to annoy the shit out of Oscar. But to my disappointment, he wasn't there.

"Hello" Sofia waved enthusiastically with a mouthful of cheerios.

As I looked around the dining room, I noticed that Sofia was sat in on the middle seat of the table with Oreo her cat in the next chair eating his breakfast. Suddenly my eyes fell to Brian who was silently eating his breakfast with a face covered in glittery makeup.

"Don't ask" he grumbled whilst tucking into his pancake.

"Doesn't he look beautiful" Sofia giggled whilst lifting his head up so I could see his whole face.

Oh my God.

"Wow, you got the full facial, lipstick and all".

Brian glared at me but pulled something out of his pocket.

"Oscar gave me a bonus for this".

"Daddy said I could do whatever I wanted, so I decided to give him a makeover. Eat up Brian, I am doing your hair next".

Brian sighed heavily but nodded muttering the words 'yes your highness'.

"Is he working?" I asked whilst helping myself to a light breakfast.

"No. Daddy said he wasn't feeling well. So he told Brian that he had to look after me ALL day. We're going to have so much fun. We are going to play princesses, have tea parties and go crazy".

I could see Brian's face drop as Sofia started rushing her breakfast eager to get started.

"Not feeling well? Hmm".

"Yeah. That's what he said" she repeated before shovelling in a whole pancake.

Not feeling well my ass.

"Well, breakfast is over for us. I bid you good day, come my prince and princess".

Brian straightened his tiara and sighed heavily pleading at me with his eyes. But there was no way I was going to ruin this special moment.

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