Chapter 37: Morning surprise

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Trigger warning - Anxiety/Panic attack towards the end of the chapter.


I was so relieved that Eleanor told me about the uneasy feelings she had about the text from her friend Cal. Eleanor is one of the most fiery, independent and rebellious women I had ever met. She loved winding me up and getting under my skin. She could have easily left to see him without my knowledge and then get kidnapped. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her. But she didn't. She might be annoyed with how controlling I was, but I had always been taught to never ignore a bad feeling.

I had made sure to send 4 men, each in different cars to scour the area and follow him to see if it was a set-up or not. Eleanor deserved the world for what she did. A girl passing by, stepped in on the unknown situation. She didn't even hesitate to rescue my little girl. If Cal was in trouble, I'd make sure to get him out of it and bring him here.

Looking down at my little firecracker, I couldn't help but smile as I stroked my finger down her soft cheek. Her thoughts must have been eating her alive. After our romantic night in the hot tub, we laid in bed and talked in hopes I could keep her mind off Cal. We would have talked for longer, but as soon as her head hit the plump pillow, her eyes fell shut and quiet snores sounded from out of her mouth.

One of my arms was wrapped around Eleanor's small frame and with the other I reached over and grabbed my phone. My heart started to race as I switched the screen on revealing the newly set background photo which I swore to never change. It was a picture of my girls smiling at one another. It was the day we all went out shopping. That day was one of the best and most normal days I had ever had. 

It had been an hour since Eleanor was supposed to meet with Cal and I had made sure the men message me frequent updates on the situation. The only ones I had been sent was that Cal waited for nearly 45 minutes on a bench before leaving. It seemed as if he was just a friendly meet up, but Frank said he looked off as if he was tense from being watched. Frank had messaged to say that he left and got into the passenger side of a blacked out SUV which screamed that it was indeed a set-up.

Knowing I couldn't let her friend get hurt, I ordered them to follow the car without being detected and intervene if necessary. 

I knew someone was out to get Eleanor, therefore it was possible that they were using Cal to get to her. I wouldn't allow it. I hated being controlling, but it was only for her safety. And it seemed that my gut instinct was right. Something was up and now I had to ensure the safety of her best friend.

Slowly untangling myself from her, I ensured she was completely covered with the thick duvet and waited until she had settled. 

I had to go to my office in case of a sudden intervention. I had to be available in case of an emergency and I didn't want to wake my little firecracker up. She hadn't been sleeping well for a few days, but now she seemed to be at peace.

Grabbing my phone, I left the bedroom and shut the door behind me. 

Walking through the hallway, I went to open up my office but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard muffled sounds coming from inside my office.

Placing a hand on my gun that was tucked away, I took in 3 deep breaths before pushing the door open ready to strike down the intruder.

"What the"-

"Gosh daddy, you scared me".

Sofia jumped away from my desk and quickly shoved something into her dressing gown pocket.

Damn chocolate thief.

"Sorry princess, but what are you doing? You little madam should be asleep".

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