Chapter 24: Family day out

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"And 5,6,7,8".

I stepped to the side and let Sofia take centre stage. Most young children need their teacher to be dancing along side them to help them remember the order of their moves, but not Sofia.

She was an incredible little girl. Passionate, hard working and refused to give up no matter how hard she struggled. She was a tough little warrior who refused to let her struggles get the better of her. I was taken aback by her determination, her enthusiasm and how quick she learnt. 

Sofia was a complete natural. The way she moved, the way she held herself was something not even some teenage ballerinas could master. 

Sofia moved into her final pose and raised her arms up to the ceiling looking at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Sofia! That was absolutely incredible. You are such a star, a true ballerina".

Sofia rested her hands under her chin and spun around in excitement at my words.

"Thank you! Thank you! I think it's the bracelet you gave me that is giving me ballerina powers".

Sofia stared down at the bracelet I had given her before I had first left them. It's crazy what young children get attached to. She refused to take it off for anyone.

"Maybe, but I think you already had the powers in here and here" I crouched down before pointing to her head and heart.

Sofia giggled and nodded before wrapping her arms around me.

"I love you being here Elle. I want you to stay forever" she muttered into my ear.

"Forever hm?".

We pulled away from each other in fright and looked around to see Oscar leaning against the door frame in a well fitted suit.

Damn he looked good.

"Dadddyyyy! Are you feeling better? Do you need some Calpol?".

Oscar scooped Sofia up and tickled her relentlessly before covering her face in kisses.

For a big bad mafia boss, he was incredibly soft.

"I am feeling much better thank you. And no baby, I don't need any of that magical medicine. But what I want more than anything is a Sofia cuddle and kiss".

Sofia wrapped her arms around his neck tighter and snuggled herself into his body. Her soft lips pressed against his stubble cheek multiple times before squealing in excitement as Oscar growled and started attacking her with kisses.

Even though it was only yesterday that I had tormented him during his hangover, and even though I had threatened to tell Sofia of his nickname for me, I chose to keep it to myself.

"I see Eleanor has been teaching you well".

I jumped out of my thoughts and looked up at the pair who were smiling at me.

"Oh yes Daddy, she's the best! There's no-one like her".

"Hm, that's certainly true" he muttered back to Sofia but his eyes were firmly fixed on mine. 

"Did you see me dance Daddy?".

"I did baby, truly beautiful. Such an amazing ballerina". 

Sofia's eyes glistened and snuggled further into her dad's embrace.

"I have a surprise for you".

Sofia's eyes widened and started jumping up and down in Oscar's arms.

"What is it? What is it?". 

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