Chapter 3: Adrenaline

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Fear consumed me as my eyes finally opened and my vision cleared revealing where I was. Tied to a chair in the middle of a dark horrible smelling room. I felt my stomach twist with nausea and my head began to pound violently as reality dawned on me.

Before I could scream out for help, I was awoken with a wave of ice cold water that crashed off my head and poured down my body. Shivers tore through me as the water seeped into my clothes connecting with my skin.

"I see you've awoken" a deep voice resonated from behind me. I went to look, but a tight grip on the back of my neck kept me locked in place.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a tall man dressed in a suit but without his suit jacket. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up revealing his tanned muscly arms that I'm sure were going to kill me.

The man laughed and shook his head before crouching down before me and stared at me intensely with his deep blue eyes.

I failed to notice that he wasn't the only man in the room. In fact there seemed to be around 12 men in the small room, all dressed the same way the main man was.

"Do you know who I am?" he growled out.

Not wanting to give him any control of this situation, I gathered up all the saliva in the mouth and spat it straight at his stupid face.

Glaring at the idiot, I held my head high as the other men gasped in shock and started yelling abuse at me.

"Quite the feisty one, aren't you?" he smirked with a menacing smile as he wiped the spit off with a cloth.

"Shame. I like a girl with fire in her" the man laughed out mockingly as he continued to stare at me.

"You want round two?" I cocked my head to the side as I went to spit at him again, but before I could, a gag was put over my mouth.

Fighting at the restraints, I grimaced as the bastard got closer and stared at me as if he were assessing my face. So I did the same. 

"You're a strange girl" the man laughed out as he took a lit cigar from one of his men as he sat down on the chair opposite me.

"Well, when you find out who I am, you're going to regret the day you were born" he smirked as he blew a cloud of smoke into my face.

Watching him intently, I stared at his face so I could memorise his features for when I report him to the police for kidnapping and torture.

"Have you ever had an operation?".

My heart stopped as he picked up a scalpel and walked back to me before holding it up to my face.

"At one stage in my life, I wanted to be a surgeon. But things didn't work out. It's doesn't matter now because I get to practice it on people who dare cross me. So where shall I start? You've got very pretty eyes, how's about we gouge them out".

I was about to take the biggest risk of my life, but I was getting sick of this prick accusing me of a crime I did not commit. If it wasn't for me, that little girl would end up goodness knows where. Anger was building up inside of me and I could not contain it.

I started ranting as if my life depended on it, not caring about the gag that was preventing me from getting my words out.

Watching the man lift his hand up, a man came up behind me and untied the tag giving me freedom to tear him a new one.

"You listen here, Mr whoever you are. There was a woman, but that was not me. I went to the damn shop and as soon as I saw what was happening I ran over and knocked the bitch over. She tried pulling a knife on me, but I knocked her back and she dropped it. She fled as soon as your voice called out. I'm the innocent one, so before you go threatening me with your creepy surgery shit, check the facts".

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