Chapter 6: Ballet

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"Good morning baby, how did you sleep?".

I watched as Sofia ran in to the dining room with a huge smile on her face. She jumped up on the chair next to mine and began to help herself to the food that had been prepared by the maids.

"I slept good daddy. And you? Did you have dreams about, Eleanor" she whispered into my ear even though no- one else was around.

"Princess. Enough".

Sofia rolled her eyes as she stuffed a whole pancake in her mouth before picking up her glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and gulped it down.

"Are you ready for your first ballet lesson princess?".

Sofia's eyes widened and started to wiggle on her chair.

"Yes daddy! And so is Oreo".


Sofia turned around and called out to the slightly opened door.

She turned back to me with a huge smile on her face and started to tuck into her food.

And as if right on cue, Oreo walked in with an unimpressed expression mewling loudly.

And as if right on cue, Oreo walked in with an unimpressed expression mewling loudly

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"Poor cat".

I pitied Oreo, he was Sofia's little play thing, but in all honesty he didn't seem to mind. He was the most chilled and laid back cat anyone could ever know. She had over 30 different outfits for Oreo and each day she'd dress him up.

"No daddy, he likes it, look at him".

Oreo walked up to me and nuzzled his head on my leg mewling at me, probably hoping I'd take this stupid outfit off of him.

"I wanted to dress him up like a ballerina, but I didn't have an outfit for him, so today he's a pirate".

Sofia smiled at me before continuing on with her breakfast.

I knew this meant a lot to her. I wanted my baby girl to have everything in this world, but because of who she was to me, she had to miss out on things a child should have the opportunity to do just like having dance lessons.

"Speaking of outfits, I have my very own surprise for you".

Pulling out the beautifully wrapped package from underneath the table, I placed it beside my baby girl and watched as her eyes flew up to mine.

"What's this daddy?".

"It's a little gift for you, now don't you want to open it?".

Sofia stopped talking and started to unwrap the pink package before her. When she finally unwrapped all the paper from it and held the outfit up, a high pitch squeal echoed around the room.

"Daddy, this is so pretty. You got me a ballerina costume? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!".

Sofia jumped off the chair and crashed herself into me with her arms wrapped tightly around me whispering thank you over and over in my ear.

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