Chapter 46: A father's love

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I felt sick to my stomach. She's pregnant. Eleanor is pregnant with her being gone for so long, I feared the worst.

"Aw, look at him. Pale as death. Oh boy, he thinks the baby is mine. Oh no my brother. That baby she is carrying is yours. Pity isn't it".

My speeding heart suddenly stopped. I didn't trust my brother one bit, but thinking about it and by looking at the size of her bump, it could be mine. Our last spontaneous love making with no condom before everything happened.

"To think there is another little spawn of you brother. But how I wish I had impregnated her. Oh, you're wondering if I had my way with her. I can see the anger in your eyes".

My head was spinning, my body growing heavy. I was swarmed with a million thoughts. Eleanor was carrying our baby. I was having another child with the woman I left to a monster of a man. And I couldn't begin to describe the anger coursing through my body at the thought of what Cole wanted to do to her.

He was ruthless, sadistic and a man who got nothing but satisfaction hurting innocent people. If he laid a single finger on her, I'd tear him to shreds.

"I can't tell you the amount of times I fantasied about all the things I wanted to do to her. Brother, you choose your women well. She has an amazing body".


Cole laughed as I went for him, but as soon as I was within reach, he pulled out a gun from the waistband of his trousers and waved it tauntingly in front of me with the end of the gun pointing at Eleanor.

"Don't hurt her". I couldn't take my eyes of Eleanor as she silently cried. Her frail hand stroking over her pregnant belly. I was going to ensure her and the baby's safety. I knew she hated me and would probably want nothing to do with me, but I was going to get them away from harm. Take her and our baby somewhere safe.

"Aw, I love hearing you beg. That's a rare occasion. Look Eleanor, the big bad mafia don is begging for you. Too bad he left you to the wolves".

"Cole, let her go. She has nothing to do with this. You wanted me? You got me. Just let her go and we can talk".

"Tell me Oscar, how long did it take to find her, oh wait, you didn't. Father lured you and we found you. I have to say, I loved having Eleanor at my house. She's quite the fiery one eh?".

Cole pulled her tightly against him and I couldn't stop myself from growling as he sniffed at her neck.

"Get off of her!".

"Don't test me Oscar. I'll do what I fucking want. She's mine, my fiancee".

Like hell.

"No, she's not. She's not yours nor any mans property".

"You know, when her father offered her to me, you know the man you thought she was working with. I wanted her, I had to have her. But every time I went to have my way with her, she'd fight so hard bless her. She'd never give up".

Cole stroked the gun down her stomach whilst kissing her on her cheek.

"You'll be pleased to know Oscar, I never fucked her. Sure, I taunted her and forced her down to her underwear, but look at her, she's too precious, too innocent. So I decided to wait for the honeymoon, being the traditional type. You don't mind if I have her and"-

Not wanting to hear another word, I launched myself at him and threw my fists in a blind rage. He may not have touched her, but I sure as hell was going to kill him for even thinking about forcing himself on her.

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