Chapter 4: Daddy daughter talk

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I watched in amazement as two men untied me from my chair before stepping away from me.

"Come with me Miss ballerina, let's get you cleaned up" Sofia muttered with a serious facial expression, all the while with her hands on her hips looking like a little boss lady.

The man who was starting to scare me stepped back and stared at the little girl with a glare, but anyone could see how relieved he was that his daughter was alright.

This was one hell of a weird dream. First off I witnessed a kidnapping, then I was accused of it in a dark basement and then some little girl basically saved me from an uncertain fate. None of the men intervened as the little girl grabbed my hand and took me out of the horrible room. 

With loads of men in the small basement, it was proving to be quite crowded. But they parted ways in an instance as soon as Sofia stepped in front of them.

It seemed as if they were afraid of her, perhaps it was because she was the boss' daughter that they all kept quiet and obeyed her orders.

"Princess, come back here" the man muttered from behind us, but Sofia shook her head and pointed up at me.

"No daddy, I need to help Miss ballerina" she argued back with no room for reasoning in her voice.

The man huffed loudly and muttered something under his breath before leaving the room through another door.

"Excuse me Jason, could you move please" Sofia smiled innocently.

"Little Miss, you shouldn't be getting involved in these things".

"Jason, please let us through otherwise I'll make you dress up as the princess again and I'll have you and Ted put on a show of sleeping beauty".

The man's eyes widened and instantly nodded before letting us through and opened the door for us.

"Come along miss ballerina".

The sweet little girl held my hand and took me up several flights of stairs before pushing open a door that shone very bright lights into my eyes that had been accustomed to the darkness for far too long.

"Oops, sorry" Sofia giggled as she noticed me squint.

The little girl reached up and dimmed what seemed to be a grand hallway lights down and looked back at me to check I was okay.

"Thanks" I smiled appreciatively, pleased she was awake and safe.

Sofia smiled and continued to drag me through the house and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This wasn't some house, no this was a freaking mansion and I had never seen something so grand and beautiful.

Too bad the owner is an asshole.

"I'll take you to a spare bedroom" she muttered whilst waving at all the people she was passing.

I couldn't help but smile as they all waved back at her, their faces kind and adoring as they watched Sofia escort me through her home.

I had no idea what to say or what to think as we walked through the house. Who even was that man? Right now I didn't care to know, all I wanted was to sleep the nightmare away and for everything to go back to normal.

"Here's your room. It is has everything. If you want to watch TV, there is a TV. There's clothes in the wardrobe and if you want a bath bomb in your bath I can give you any colour. I have about 300. Would you like some food? I can get you some leftover pizza or a drink maybe? I have Ribena, I don't like to share food, but you're a real ballerina and I"-

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