Chapter 40: Broken

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I looked around to see some men fixing the door that had been destroyed by God knows what.

"I-In the bunker. She's safe".

They say she's safe, but I won't believe it until I have her in my arms.

Rushing past them all, I ignored everyone around me and hurried to the hidden door leading down to the bunker.

Even though my priority was my daughter, I couldn't help but notice blood stains all over the floor. I prayed my men were okay, but for now I had to cuddle my baby.


Stepping down into the bunker, I saw Brian standing outside the room she was in looking tired and covered in bruises and cuts.


Brian covered his face with his hands and let out a muffled sob. I hadn't seen Brian cry since the day he lost his daughter. He was always in control of his emotions, but seeing him like this was a rare sight.

Wrapping my arms around him, I patted his back reassuring him but remained silent whilst he quietly cried.

"I should have fought harder, but there were so many. They pulled her from out of my arms. All I can see when I look at her is her screaming out for you. Even though she's back, I failed her and I failed you. I-I'm so sorry".

"Brian, none of this is your fault, it was-. The most important thing is that she is here and she is safe. Now, what the hell happened? Erika?".

Brian rubbed his bloodshot eyes and nodded.

"I killed the men that were restraining me and chased after the ones who kidnapped Sofia. But when I caught up to her, Erika was hugging Sofia tightly whilst she cried. She saved her, but I'm not sure why after she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with her".

I couldn't get my head around it, but I guess I owed it to her to listen to her side of the story.

"Boss, what the hell happened and where is Eleanor?".

I stayed silent desperate not to think back to the hidden truth that revealed the true identity of the girl I thought I loved.

"She's gone".

"Gone? But you loved her".

"I loved her until I realised who she was and what she has done".

I grabbed the door handle eager to see Sofia, but Brian pulled me back with confusion plastered on his face.

"What are you talking about?".

Something shifted within me and brought everything to the surface. All the nights I slept with her in my arms, all the times she'd randomly hug me from behind. God, her smile, her smell, the way she was with Sofia. All of it, gone. Maybe I was destined to be alone.

I couldn't stop the tears as I stared at the door. What the hell was I going to tell Sofia.

"She's his daughter. It was a set-up from the beginning. Brian, Eleanor is the daughter of the man we've been trying to hunt down for what he did to Sofia and your daughter. I-I thought it was real. I loved her and she betrayed me".

Brian looked down at the floor, his face turning pale and his fists shaking by his side. Brian had sought revenge for the death of his daughter, but we could never find him. But now we know he was always watching. He made a fool out of me and I was stupid to ever let someone else in.

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