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"Bella, Bella!" My little sister jumps up and down around the kitchen holding her little paper crown,she tinkered a couple days ago. "Hey little princess",I say chuckling softly. "What can I do for you?" Emily stops jumping around and sets the little crown up in her hair. The crown is pink-colored and has like a ton of glitter on it's prongs. "I've made one for you too",Emily says showing me a bigger sized purple-colored crown. "Aww sweetie,but why did you do that?" She smiles. "Well when you win the prince's heart you'll have to wear a crown. And the more soon you start with it the more you get used to it." I laugh shaking my head. "Emily first of all we don't know if I am one of the candidates and secondly remember why I agreed to attending this silly competition." She sighs rolling her eyes. "Yeah I know. But for me you'll always be a princess",my little sister says smiling brightly. I kneel down so my little sister can place the paper crown in my hair.
"Tomorrow we'll see if you're in or not. And jeez I'm so excited! Bella how can you just stay so chilled?" I laugh. "Want me to tell ya a little secret?" She comes closer having a smirk on her face."trust me I'm freakin out on the inside",I whisper into her ear. She giggles. "But pshh don't tell anyone." She nods having her index finger in front of her lips. I hear the front door clicking shut. "Dad's home,lets show him our beautiful crowns." She nods smiling. "Hey paps", I say as we enter the living room. "Oh yeah hello my two princesses. Look how pretty you are!" He takes Emily outta my arms and swings her around before she wraps her short arms around his neck hugging him tightly. Dad kisses her cheek before letting her down. "And how are you doing honey?" I smile hugging him. "I'm good how was work?" He sits down on the couch exhaling loudly. "Dad soon you won't have to worry about it anymore. When I am a candidate we'll get a good amount of money. Then you can be home more often." My dad gives me a small smile. "Sweetie that's nice and I am so grateful for you agreeing to do this, but don't stress yourself okay." I nod pulling him into a hug."Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I chuckle. "No, I mean....kinda. Well I'm scared of disappointing you. What if I'm not one of the candidates?" He gives me a sorry look. "Oh sweetie,you could never disappoint me. You're making me insanely proud. And no matter what'll happen tomorrow I want you to know that I love you and I'm so grateful for you taking so much care of your sister. Okay honey?" I nod feeling a bit better. I go to bed having a mixed feeling. Will I really be one of the girls who are going to live in the royal palace for the next months to win the prince's heart?

I wake up by Emily jumping on my bed. "Bella! Today's the day we've been waiting for", she says excited. I sit up giving her a smile while i rub my eyes. "Stand up you sleepyhead!" She Junos from my bed and rushes away. I laugh shaking my head feeling how my heart goes faster as soon as I think of the competition. My dad sits together with my little sister on the couch as I enter the living room. "C'mon sit down next to us." I sit down next to them and start to look at the tv. A woman with blonde hair,blue eyes and perfect white teeth sits at a table next to her a guy with brown hair and green eyes. Both of them are smiling brightly showing their straight teeth."Good Morning America! I'm Tiffany,he's John and welcome to "good morning America". Today's the day we've all been waiting for to come. Today we will see which girls are going to try to win the prince's heart. John can you imagine that these girls get to move into the royal palace?" "Yeah Tiffany! That's so cool. Why didn't we enter  for that?" Both of them laugh. Eww I hate these people. Faking to be nice and so innocent.
"Omg any second they'll start to announce the candidates", Emily says smiling nervously taking my hand.

"All the candidates got drawn by lots. So let's do who the first lucky girl is." The woman takes a little piece of paper into her hands. "And drum roll", the John says. "CATHRINE! Cathrine from Arizona. If you sis this here, you're one of the girls that'll meet the prince!" They name a couple names,each time with a drum roll and big applause. With each name that gets announced my heart gets faster. We get closer and closer to the end. Almost 20 girls were named. "John tell the People who'll be the 18th girl which will has the opportunity to win the prince's heart and become the queen of America." John nods opening the little paper sheet. "The next girl is BELLA! Bella Greenway from Washington, congrats you're one of the candidates." My heart skips a beat. Did he really just named me? "YESSSS." Emily jumps onto my lap and hugs me. "I knew it! You'll be a princess Bella!" My dad looks at me smiling while clapping his hands. "Wait Wait Wait shh. I wanna know who the last one is", Emily says. "Karla....and she's from San Francisco." "Pff no one cares your sister is in!" Dad got us some champagne and two glasses. "We gotta celebrate this!"  Dad and I take sips of our glasses while Emily gets some water. Suddenly it knocks on the door. Dad goes while Emily climbs onto my lap smiling brightly. "Bella it's for you." I let Emily down gently before going to my dad. A guy in a grey suit stands in the door frame. "Madame. I am Ross and I'm your chauffeur." He gives me a soft chuckle as he sees the paper crown in my hair. "Miss I don't wanna stress you but we have to hurry a bit." I nod. "Oh okay. Uhm I'll pack my things and then I'll be ready." He nods."10 minutes miss,not more." I nod rushing I to my room but I walk back to them for a second. "Ross it's okay if you enter. Wanna have some water?" He chuckles again. "Miss I'm sorry but there's no time." "Oh okay. Yeah you're right." I rush back into my room and throw my stuff into the suitcase. I switch into some acceptable clothes before taking a last look at my room. "Bye bye." I say goodbye to my dad hugging him tightly while Ross gets my suitcase I to the trunk. "I love you sweetie. Go and make us even more proud." I nod. "Bella!" I smile lifting up my little sister. "My little princess. Promise to help dad with the household." She nods smiling. "Promise me to at least send letters or stuff!" "Yeah of course" Ross hawks behind me. "Madam we gotta go." I give him a nod and hug my little family for a last time before Ross leads me to the...limousine. "Wow." Ross laughs while opening the door for me. I hop in the expensive looking car. Ross pulls outta the street and i feel how I'm already missing Dad and Emily. But I know why I have to do this. I won't give up just like this. I'm ready for a new chapter in my life. I need to leave my last behind and start this adventure. We'll see....maybe I'll win the prince's heart. Who knows?

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