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Paparazzi everywhere. Taking pictures and screaming my name to make me look into the lenses of their big cameras. Woah. Now I know how lady Gaga has to feel every time she just wants to get a coffee from Starbucks. "Miss welcome",Ross says giving me a soft smile. I nod. A long red carpet leads the way up the stairs to the palace's entrance. "And there she is",one of the presenters says in front of me. I smile into the camera before I decide to make steps forward. It takes a couple steps until I feel less nervous and my legs stop feeling like jelly. A couple people scream my name as I walk along the carpet looking from one side to the other smiling into the cameras. My breaths gets heavier as I get closer to the entrance. What if I look way too inelegant for  this here? What will the other girls think of me or even the prince? Jeez. A girl greets me as I enter the massive door which looks like she's made outta marble. "Hello and welcome Lady Bella. I am your personal assistant Isabelle." Wow. I have a personal assistant? "Hallo Isabelle,uhm you don't have to uhm be my personal assistant",I say while my eyes catch a male figure in the end of the large foyer. He has brown or black I don't really know cause I can't really see it from the distance,but he seems tall and muscular. Suddenly his eyes catch mine and a little smile appears on his face. "But Lady Bella",Isabelle says making me look back at her. "It's a fiat of the royal family that every candidate has its own assistant." I raise my eyebrows for a second nodding slowly. "Okay,but trust me you won't have to dress me or stuff." She chuckles a bit while nodding. "Lady Bella I'd like to talk a bit more but we have to hurry. The queen is already waiting for y'all." I swallow. "The- the queen wants to meet us?" Isabelle starts walking and I follow her while thinking about things I could say or an excuse I could make to get outta this. I've never been good when it comes to things like that-I've always been more the shy one. "Of course. She wants to know the girls which are going to fight for the prince's heart." I nod. My stomach convulses as soon as Isabelle leads me to a big room where the queen is going to accept us. My assistant tells me to wait here with the other girls. All of them look fabulously gorgeous. I feel kind of intimidated by their beauty. "Hey I'm Peyton",a girl says. She's wearing an amazingly beautiful looking pastel yellow dress which perfectly fits. She has brown long curls that frame her flawless looking face. "Wow",I whisper staring at her appearance for a second. She laughs making me look into her green eyes. "I know I look a bit too overdressed,don't I ?" "Wha-no honey. You're looking stunning." She smiles. "Oh also I'm -" "you're Bella",Peyton says." I've seen you, we all have seen you walking along the carpet like a god damn princess." They what?? Now I remember all the cameras that were filming me on the carpet. "Oh....Uhm hehe",I feel my cheeks heating up. Peyton giggles. "You don't have to feel embarrassed. You looked like a pro. I swear. I've been so nervous but you-you seemed so cool with it. Like wow. When we've got some time you gotta show me how you did that." Peyton seems like a really nice girl,maybe we get something like friends while we're here. I laugh. "Yeah." "Ladies",a woman says making all of look at her. "The queen is now ready to accept you all." She Leads us into a big room with white walls that have some golden highlights. The room seems to have like a color scheme. Gold with white and some pastel yellow and orange. It looks so pretty. "Hello and welcome ladies", a woman in a royal looking dress says with a diamond crown in her hair. A little "wow" is hearable. "So I want to welcome y'all here in our palace which will be your home for the next weeks. Each of you has her own room. Also as you've already seen you all have personal assistants who will help you with the schedule. They'll always be there for you and will help you whenever you need them. Of course you can also come to me if you've got a problem or something. Ladies i want to remember y'all that your life will be documented on cameras as long as you'll be here. Don't worry they won't film you while you're showering or getting dressed. They'll only be around when the prince is around as well.  I know that you are excited for meeting him. Let me give you an advice:punctuality is one of the most important things when you're a royal. So please make sure to be on time. Your assistants will show you your rooms now. I am really excited for the next weeks ladies. One of you will be a member of my family soon.....the girlfriend of my son and in the future the next queen. That's enough for now I guess. If there are no questions imma say goodbye for now and hope y'all have a good first day here",the queen says before she rises and leaves together with a woman who's probably her assistant. "Omg I'm so excited",Peyton says smiling brightly. "Okay Bella when you're done with unpacking your things we'll meet in the lounge to get to know each other better. See you later",she says giving me a quick hug before she leaves with her assistant.

Isabelle Leads me to my room. My jaw literally drops to the ground as we enter it. "Wow." It has a California kingsize bed with the softest sheets and pillows. The whole room is kinda pastel pink with a tint of gold and white accents. It also has its own bathroom with a huge bathtub. "It's amazing",I say swirling around. Isabelle laughs. "Isabelle thank you for showing me my room,but now you can go and have some free time,okay." My assistant gives me a surprised look. "Lady Bella are you really sure that you don't need any help?" I nod smiling softly. "I am 100% sure and If I need something I'll call you." Isabelle nods shy before she leaves a bit hesitant. Seems like she's not used to have free time. I unpack some of the things I've brought from home. I took a picture of me and my family with me so I can always look at it when I miss them. My sister,dad and mom. God how much I miss her. She's been the best mom you could ever imagine. So caring and loving. I whisper she'd still be here. After I unpacked my belongings I remembered that I've wanted to meet up with Peyton in the lounge. Shoot. What if she's already waiting for me. I take a quick look into the mirror before I walk outta my room into the big hall. "Where's the lounge again?" I walk around for a couple minutes before I rush down the stairs scared of bing late. I slip and already see how I am falling down the last 4 stairs landing on the floor. I close my eyes not wanting to see how I'm falling as I feel two strong arms catch me. I open my eyes again as I realize that I didn't make friends with the floor instead I'm looking up into two hazel eyes and I feel like I've seen them before.

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