𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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"Woah",the guy says giving me a soft smile which shows of his perfect teeth. As I take a closer look at his face I recognize the little scar on his cheek and this damn straight jawline. "Are you okay",the guy says making me look back into his eyes. I nod slowly not really sure if I understood him correctly. He chuckles,probably because I look like an idiot right now. He makes sure that both of my feet are stationary on the ground before he slowly let's go off me sizing me up. "I am such a clumsy fellow. I am so sorry." The guy with dark brown curly hair gazes at me while a smile plays on his lips. "It's fine, I mean it's probably not that easy to rush down stairs with this kinda shoes." His eyes wander down my body and pause at my waist before they end up at my black high heels. "You're right, walking stairs, especially running down stairs, isn't that easy with these kinda babies,but they're comfortable as fuck." He laughs and I put my hand in front of my mouth as I realize that I just used a swear word in the royal palace making him laugh even more. "Oh my god......I am such an idiot." "Hey don't worry. I swear too,even though my mom always tells me to not do that." I raise my brows. "Hm and who are you Mr?" He presses his lips together for a second. "I am Shawn", he licks over his lips with an amused face, " prince Shawn." My eyes widen and I want to open my mouth but let it be. Our eyes meet again before we start to burst out in laughter. "You almost got me", I say laughing. "Hehe you should've seen your face......" We stop laughing and I realize that he was probably serious. "You were serious right?" He nods slowly , his smile appearing on his flawless face again. "I am... oh my god....Uhm." I wave my hands around nervously trying to find words to say before I bury my face in them. "Guess i messed up my first impression on you." I hear him giggling. Suddenly his hands embrace my wrists and pull my hands from my face gently. He must've come closer- our noses are almost touching. "It's fine...you didn't mess up anything",Shawn says softly still holding my hands. I look up to him. "Sure?" He nods. "Yes I am completely sure about that lady....." "Bella",i say. "Lady Bella",he says making the words sound so beautiful. "Prince Shawn",I say making him roll his eyes. "Call me Shawn please........and I'll call you Bella. These titles are so unnecessary." I laugh. "There it is",Shawn says making me frown with a grin on my face. "What?" "Your smile. From the moment on you smiled at me for the first time I wanted to see it again." I press my lips together before they form a smile again feeling how my cheeks heat up. "You Are the girl who looked at me this morning, right?" I nod shyly. He nods chuckling. "Soo Bella I'll see you later again you know first meeting with the prince. Gonna warn you he's not funny at all",Shawn says making me giggle. He looks into my eyes taking one of my hands and bringing it closer to his face until his lips place a soft kiss on the palm of it before he lets go. "So Lady Bella",he says nodding with a smile. I drop a curtsy. "Prince Shawn." He smiles shaking his head. "You didn't see me okay, don't want the other girls to get mad." I nod. He gives me one last look before he starts walking a couple steps. A woman walks up to him, his assistant I guess. She gives me a look with a smirk on her face after she saw Shawn looking at me. I start to smile brightly as soon as both of them walked away. Did this really just happen? Oh my god.....OH MY GOD PEYTON! I totally forgot about her. I rush around till I finally get to the lounge where's she's sitting already waiting for me. "Wow! You finally made it." She stands up and hugs me before we sit down on one of the velvet couches. "I am really sorry,but I almost fell down the stairs and I didn't know where the lounge is. I swear I am so sorry." She laughs. "Hey no Problem. I struggled with finding this place too." We laugh. "So Tell me something about you. Later we'll have to introduce ourselves to the prince too. So it's a good practice",Peyton says stroking one of her hair strands behind her ear. "Okay. So my name is Bella Greenway. I am from Washington and 19 years old. I am actually a really normal girl. I have a little sister, her name's Emily. Our mom died when she was two and since then my dad is working all day, so i take a lot of care about her." Peyton gives me a sorry look. "Did you never think of your future Bella?" "I wanted to be a photographer,but I didn't have much time to take pictures lately." Peyton nods. "Sad i bet you'd be an amazing photographer." I laugh. "Yeah maybe...depends on how long I'll stay here." We laugh."Must be hard." I nod but smile to not make her feel guilty. I miss my mom. She's been such an angel sent from above. She was an amazing person and my dad, Emily and I would've wanted her to stay a little longer on earth but god decided to take her back."My mom bought me my first camera- at first I wasn't that happy about it. You know. When you turn 9 it's not the coolest thing to get- you'd rather get a unicorn. But I learned to love the camera, that's why I didn't seem shy when I walked along the carpet." "Wow",Peyton says looking kind of impressed. "She's watching you Bella and really proud of you." I smile,even though the sadness starts to slowly take over inside me. "Ladies it's time for your first meeting with the prince",one assistant says making both of us nod. "Do I look okay",Peyton asks insecure. I nod. "Yes, more than okay! Prince Shawn's eyes will fall outta his head." We laugh till she suddenly stops giving me an suspicious look."You know his first name??" "Uhh uhm yeah of course...hehe",I say nervously being really grateful for our assistants to pop up in the right moment before Peyton could ask even more questions. Our assistants lead us to the room where I'll be going to meet Shawn for the second first time.

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