𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘹

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"I'm starving ",Peyton says holding her belly. I laugh shaking my head. "What food is bae. Bella you can't deny that." She raises her brows looking at me. "Okay,okay yeah you're right. Food Is bae." She smiles. "Thank you." We make our way to the dining room. The more we get closer to it the more I get excited about seeing Shawn again. To be honest I don't know how to explain it but I think that we could get pretty good friends. I know it sounds crazy. In a friendship with the prince. Not many girls can say that. Ashley and Sacha greet us as we reach the huge room. "There you two are",Ashley says hugging me and Peyton. "Dinner is almost ready",Sacha says taking my hand dragging me behind her. The four of us sit down at the long white table which is decorated with flowers and candles. All of us stand up as the queen walks in greeting us with her smile showing us to sit back down, we do as she says. Butler rush around bringing us our delicious smelling food. "Enjoy your meals ladies",the queen says starting to eat her meal as well. While Ashley and Peyton are already taking a bit of their dinner my eyes are focused on the empty seat on the left and on the right of the queen. Where are Shawn and his dad? "Wow this is so good",Peyton says in a low voice making me look at her. "Lady Bella, Is everything alright",a female voice asks. I look into the direction the voice came from. The queen meets my eyes right away. She has a warm smile on her face, the same warm smile my mom used to give me. "Bella sweetie are you okay", her soft voice says. I look around for a second realizing that all the girls are looking at me, including Ashley, Sacha and Peyton. My eyes wander back to the queen who is giving me a kinda worried look. I nod. "I'm okay." She gives me a nod smiling softly. I look down to the plate in front of me taking a deep breath before I start to eat.

"Bella are you really okay?" Peyton looks at me having the same worried look on your face as the queen. "Yes, I'm okay Peyton",I shoot back rolling my eyes. She sighs. I want to make my way straight to my room as Peyton grabs my arm and pulls back to her. "Wait please. One second." I nod. "Okay,but only one second." A smile appears on her face. "I know what you need", she says clapping her hands. I give her a frown making her smile even more. "You,me, a face mask, a movie......a girls night. I'll come to your room and bring the stuff we need. Be ready in 20." I wanna say something about it but she's already walking away. Maybe she's right,that's what I need, a girls night is never a bad idea. Hopefully it'll keep me from thinking about my mom. Suddenly my thoughts are on Shawn and why he did it come to have dinner. He's probably just been busy, talking about some important things with his dad I guess. I shouldn't put so much thought into this. I walk upstairs and -  I don't know how,but my body must have felt him standing there - my eyes meet Shawn's. He looks kinda stressed, worrying or thinking about something. His hair is undid and he's pale. I give him a frown wanting to know what's wrong but he just brushes me off rolling his eyes before he walks away seeming pissed. What the heck just happened ? Did I miss something?Did I do something wrong? Did I insulted the little prince in any kinda way or something? No, right ? I roll my eyes. Guys are acting so complicated sometimes. I go to my room and start to prepare things for Peyton and I. It doesn't take long till it knocks on the door. Peyton didn't lie when she said that she'd bring face masks and more. "So wanna tell me what's wrong",she asks applying the mask on my face.We're sitting across each other one kingdom sized bed. I sigh making her pull a bit away. "Hey.....",she says looking into my eyes. "No matter what it is, You can tell me Bella. I promise I won't tell anybody." I sigh loudly letting myself fall back down onto the sheets. "You won't give in, will you?" "No. And you should better be careful with the mask and the sheets, they probably cost more than your house." I sit back up laughing. "Okay....I'll tell you." She puts the mask away making herself more comfy on the bed looking at me. "Okay I'm ready." I chuckle. "Okay so i probably sound like a baby,but It's just that I miss my mom. I mean my dad is awesome. He's always trying his best to make me and my sister smile,but he's just..-" "not your mom",Peyton says with a caring look on her face taking my hand. "I'll always be there for you okay?" I smile nodding. "Okay." We smile at each other. A knock on the door makes us frown at each other. I jump from the bed and open the door being greeted by Shawn. "Hey uhm I - oh...am I interrupting you right now?" His eyes wander from me to Peyton and back to me. "Uhh." "Actually yes",Peyton says making me and Shawn look at her. "Lady Peyton I'm sorry about that,it's just that I have to talk to Lady Bella. So can I borrow her for a second?" Peyton looks at me. "Uhm...not to be mean Prince Shawn but no, no you can't talk to her now." "Oh okay....",Shawn says softly giving her a smile. He acts like it's fine but he's not. I  meet his gaze again. "Then have a goodnight ladies",he says before he leaves. I close the door before I lean against it having my eyes closed. Peyton looks at me questioning as I open them again. "You should've said yes." She frowns. "Pff why?" I sigh. "Because he seemed sore. " "How do you wanna know? Or is there something you didn't tell me?" I feel my cheeks heating up. "Of course not!" She raises her brows looking at me making me sigh loudly. "You like him,don't you?" I look around searching for words. "No, I don't." Peyton stands up and wake towards me. "Oh heck yes you do honey",she says poking my nose. "Now c'mon it's time to wash the mask off." My eyes widen. "He-He....I had the ma - ", I stutter. Peyton laughs nodding. "Yes sweetie,he did. He saw you having some fun with your friend and doing a face mask." I flinch thinking about how silly I must have looked like in his eyes. "Now lets get this off",Peyton says grabbing a face cloth.

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