𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Days pass and it's already been two months since I got here. It feels like yesterday that I walked up
these stairs and walked through that impressive marble entrance. I was so nervous. I would have never thought of my life turning into what it is now. Beautiful dresses,assistants,delicious food, interviews, spending time with the queen and her family. My life got flipped upside down as Emily sent in the application to this competition. A competition to win the prince's heart and be the girl by his side. A smile plays around my lips while I'm playing with the necklace I'm wearing. Things been going really well between us. It's just that he's been acting some sort of different lately. Colder. He also doesn't have this much time anymore but that's probably because his parents are giving him a lot of work to do.
I head towards the salon to meet up with Peyton. At breakfast she said that she needed to talk to me so here I am wondering what she wants to talk about. She's already there as I arrive and sit down across her. "Hey pretty", I say with a smile. A small smile forms her lips before it slowly fades away. "Listen Bella. First of all I want you to know that- I - I didn't mean to do it or that-", she sighs making me realize it has to something more serious than a broken nail. "What's wrong. Peyton you can tell me everything." She sighs again. "Shawn......." I raise a brow questioning. My friend looks down to her hand playing around with her bracelet. "Peyton...Tell me. What's wrong." She meets my gaze for a second
before she starts to look to the ground. She takes a deep breath before she makes eye contact. In that moment I realize how done and tired she actually is. Her assistant tried to cover her dark circles but it didn't last for long. Peyton's eyes are read and filled with tears. How long has she been crying? All day? I take her hand I mine. "Hey. No matter what it is You can tell me. We're friends. Also you're the only person here I like to talk to. I would never be mad at
you or quit this here. Okay?" She gives me a soft smile. "Thanks Bella." Her voice is shaky and sore. "Now. What's going on?" Peyton seems to take the deepest breath ever, filling her lungs with a ton of air before she sits up and looks right into my eyes. "Shawn and I kissed............" My head replays this sentence over and over again trying to find another meaning behind it but there's none. A lump appears in my throat growing with any second making it hard for me to breath. Everything inside me is tight up. I wanna say something but I can't. Suddenly everything makes sense. That's why he's been so cold lately. "Bella please say something." I recognize little tears flowing down her face while she squeezes my hand. "Bella believe me it didn't mean something. I needed help with the challenge for the competition and ask him and then things went to another and we kissed." I nod slowly feeling something inside me break. Standing up from the seat I take a deep breath. "Bella Please, lets talk about this." I shake
my head slowly feeling how I'm tearing up. "Bella", Peyton shouts behind me as I rush through the doors into the hall. The lump still growing I'm trying to catch my breath. Why, why does it have to hurt so much. I mean, it's some part of the competition right? He needs to get to know the others too. It just feels wrong to believe that after all the stuff he said, all the kisses he placed on my lips. How could I be this stupid? Believe what he said. "None of the other girls get as close as you do." I lean against one of the
walls trying to calm my breath as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and slap male figure behind me blinking away the tears in my eyes. My eyes widen as I recognize Ethan. I pull my shaky hand way and stutter:" I- I thought y-you were-". I try my best to make a sentence but I can't. My voice breaks while the tears I was holding back since Peyton told me make there way down my face. Ethan gives me a worried look before he just pulls me into a tight hug his hand rubbing my back softly. I cry and sob into his arms. "What happened", he whispers softly. I'm not sure if I should tell him. Even though he seems nice I don't really trust him and after what shawn told me about him, I don't want to trust him. I look up meeting his brown eyes. He whispers the question again. I just sigh. "You don't have to tell me but I'm sure you'd feel better afterwards." My breath starts to calm a little. "C'mon. Wanna go to the library? I know it's one of your favorite places here." He gives me a smile reaching out his hand. I nod. Some distraction is exactly what I need.

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