𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦

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"Good Morning Lady Bella",Isabelle's Voice says as she opens the window to let in some fresh air. I roll around on the bed and bury my face in one of the pillows sighing loudly. "It's too early." I hear her giggling before she grabs the edge of my sheets and pulls them down. "No",I say sounding punished. Isabelle laughs shaking her head. "Lady Bella you have to get up. The prince wants to see you." I sit up immediately after she said those words. "Sh- Prince Shawn wants to see me?" Isabelle nods pushing me off the bed gently before she walks into the bathroom followed by me. She already let water flow into the glamorous looking bathtub. "Thank you",I say giving her a soft smile. "Take a quick bath and call me when you're done,so I can help you with your dress." I let myself slide into the bathtub gently feeling the warm water running over my skin. My thoughts fly to Emily and dad. What are they doing right now? Do they miss me?

Isabelle helps me into a red dress that has some golden flowers on it. It fits me perfectly. My hands run over the soft fabric following the outlines of the flowers. "It's beautiful,isn't it?" I nod chuckling before I lift my head taking a look in the mirror. "Thank you Isabelle,it's beautiful." I hug her making her blush a little. "You welcome Lady Bella." I give her a little frown. "You don't get hugged often,do you?" She chuckles slightly. "I'm not used to it miss,that's all." I shake my head. "Well then we're gonna make sure that you get used to it",I say blinking at her with a soft smile. Isabelle lets her eyes fly over my body looking critically,but then she nods looking pretty happy with her work. "Now you're ready for the interview." My eyes widen and I giver her an confused look. "What do you mean? An interview?" She nods. "Each of the candidates will get interviewed by Richard,the presenter who'll be here with camera team for the next weeks." I look around nervously already freakin our about the fact that I'll get interviewed and millions of people are able to see it. "Lady Bella calm down. Everything's fine. Richard will ask you something about yourself,so the people who watch the show can get to know y'all a bit." I nod taking in a deep breath. "It'll be fine." Isabelle gives me a comforting smile patting onto my shoulder gently. "Are you ready?" I nod,even though I'm actually feeling close to break down any second. My legs feel shaky as Isabelle leads me to the room where the interviews will be filmed."you've got this",she says giving me one last smile. I enter the room meeting the gaze of the other girls. All of them are looking stunning in their dresses. My eyes fly through the room. There are cameras everywhere and People Setting up the Background. I recognize a male figure which is wearing a black suit. I suppose that it's the presenter who'll be interviewing us. My gaze meets Peyton's as i step closer to her. "Wow Girl look at you",she says her eyes wandering up and down my Dress. She doesn't even look bad by herself. "But you! Your assistent did a good Job. I bet that you'll win the prince's heart sooner than you think." She laughs shaking her head. "I bet that another Girl already owns his heart. The way that he's been looking around yesterday - he already has a favorite."  I press my lips together looking around nervously. Well there's no real reason for not telling Peyton that Shawn and I already made some contact, but how would she react? What would Shawn think? Would he be mad? Maybe he wants it to be a secret.

"Good morning ladies", the presenter says greeting us with a smile. "Hope you had a good first night here and that your Arrival went  well. My name is Richard and I'll interview you today. I'll ask some Questions About your lives and What you like to do with Friends and Family. It's important to create a Connection with the People who are sitting at home excited About the Girl who'll become the prince's girlfriend - the princess." Peyton and I Exchange a look smiling at each other. "Each of you will get 5 Questions that she has to answer honestly. Also remember to use formal language, no swearing, okay?" We already knew that there would be rules we have to follow, otherwhise we'd probably get sent back home to our families. To be honest I'd rather be at home instead of being here and filmed all the time, but at the same time I feel like ist my Duty to be here to make my Family proud and because of the amount of Money we get. "Okay we'll start with Lady Kate." As soon as Richard said her name my eyes meet hers and I give her an comforting smile. Me and the other Girls have to wait outside the room till it's our turn. "Do you think Prince Shawn will be there too", Peyton says playing with her bracelet. I shrug. "I dont know, but even if he's there you'll be doing it great. Telling Things About yourself is something you're really good at." She smiles. The time passes. Only Peyton and I are left and both of us are getting more excited. None of the Girls who got interviewed were allowed to stay with us, all of them went to their room.  "Peyton it's your turn", a Woman says. Peyton gives me a last look smiling nervously. "You've got this." She nods before she enters the room. The following 20 minutes were nerve-racking. I think about possible Questions and answers that could fit. My heart skips literally 8 beats as the door opens and the Woman says that it is  my turn. My breath goes faster as I stand up. I smooth the fabric of my Dress down as they run over it before I enter the room. Richard gives me a warm  smile as he sees me. "Lady Bella you're the last one today. Are you Ready?"  I nod trying to seem as calm as I can. "Okay then sit down on the Couch. I'll be Right there." I do how he says and sit down on the Grey Couch. It feels like I am sitting on a Cloud. My eyes fly up as  I recognize another Person entering the room. "Hey, is it going good so far", the Person says making the camera Team nod. "Oh she's already the last one? Wow. You guys are working fast."

"Lady Bella we'll start any second, okay." I nod getting more nervous. Why can't it be over yet? "Lady Bella?" The way how the Person says my name, like I've already heared it before. I look up Meeting a pair of Hazel eyes, Shawn's eyes. He gives me a warm smile showing of his perfect teeth. "Alright can we start?" Richard looks at Shawn expecting him to leave the set. "You know Richard. I've got an Idea. I'll interview her, so the People see me too and know that I spend time with them." Richard nods. "Yeah, that's good. I like the way you're thinking." Shawn walks towards me and greets me his eyes flying up and down my Body. He takes my Hand gently pulling me closer to him. "You look gorgeous", he whispers into my ear  making me feel his warm breath in the crook of my neck. "Okay guys get Ready." Shawn walks behind the camera. Any second the camera will start to record and there's Nothing I can do about it. My Hands start to shake as Richard starts to Count down from 3. "Wait a second Richard", says Shawn Looking at me with a soft smile. "Bella, you okay?" His voice sounds so calm and caring. I nod. "Just a bit nervous." Richard chuckles. "Bella Sweetheart, there's no reason for you to be nervous." Shawn nods. I press my lips together trying to calm down. "Bella, look at me for a second." I meet Shawn's gaze. "Do as I say so: breath in and out. Deep and slowy." Our eyes locked I start to take in Deep breaths Relaxing a bit. "Better", Shawn asks. "Yeah. Thank you Prince-" "Shawn, Only Shawn." I chuckle Feeling Richard's eyes on me. "Well then thank you Shawn." "Anytime", he says winking at me.Richard's eyes wander back and forth between us. "Okay, but now let's finally start", Richard says clapping into his Hands. "Okay here we go last Girl for today. Three, two, one, ACTION!"

"It wasn't that bad, was it", Shawn asks as we walk along the hall. I shrug shaking my head. "You played it cool." I raise my brows at him. "I totally freaked out on the inside." Shawn laughs. "C'mon you were amazing. Yeah, you needed a Little reminder to remember how to breath, but after that it all went well." He looks at me smiling. I nod my eyes focused on his lips taking in every Detail of their shape. The Girl who wins this Competition will have a, well as much as I can tell after two days, nice and good Looking guy by her side. "So Bella since I've got Nothing to do. Would you like to get a Little tour of the Palace", he asks ripping me out of my thoughts. "Ugh .. Yeah. Why not? What are we talking about again?" Shawn laughs as he sees how confused I am. "You didn't listen, did you?" I look to the Ground Feeling my cheeks heating up out of embarassement. Shawn stops making me bump into him. "Hey, tell me", he says Lifting up my chin with his index finger Looking into my eyes. "Oh Ugh no, It's o-okay", I stutter. "Okay", he whispers keeping the eye contact before he pulls away. "So should I give you a tour or not?" I give him a frown. "A tour of the Palace", he says giggling. "Oh Yeah, I'd love to." He smiles taking my Hand leading me the way through the huge halls. We pass a salon, the kitchen and two or three rooms filled with art. Shawn's Holding my Hand the whole time not even thinking of letting go. "Okay here we are", he says stopping in front of my room. I didn't even notice that we got here. I was Looking around the whole time being impressed by the rooms and the fact that Shawn grew up here. "Thank you", I say giving him a smile. "For What? I didn't do anything else except for trying to make you feel good." He looks to the Ground his cheeks turning pink. I chuckle taking a step closer to him. I poke his nose with my finger softly making him look at me. He grabs my Hand as I'm about to do it again. He shakes his head laughing. "Nahh don't even think of it." I laugh. "It's almost time for dinner, you should get at least a couple minutes for yourself", he says slowly letting go of my Hand. I nod. "I'll see you later then?" He nods giving me a smile. "See you later Bella", he says turning to leave. For a second I feel the Need of stopping him from Walking away, but I catch myself and enter my room instead. See you later Bella. I smile. "Yeah see you later."

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