Guilt (1200 AD)

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I lay in bed, as my mother sat by me singing a lullaby her mother sang to her when she was little

Don't worry child, It'll be okay, if it is not okay, then it is not the end. I will stand by you because everything that happens is from now on, I will be your friend.

I heard the screams from outside, my mother sung louder, but could not fully cover the screams, I began to cover my ears, it wasn't a very pleasant sound. Witches from my village were always on a short string, if they stepped one place out of line, they would be burnt at the stake. In this case, a young witch cast a spell on a werewolf, causing him to experience a pain like no other for 7 nights. I shut my eyes. Trying to block out the screams but I couldn't.

I awoke with a jolt, without a memory after the talk I had with Elijah lastnight. As I sat up, there was a stinging in my neck, when I reached to my neck to see what is causing the pain. Four holes in my neck. He drained my blood, but how did I get home? Did he carry me or did someone else? But I wasn't going to find out, I didn't have the confidence to come face to face with him, I was too scared.

About an hour of pacing around the small rooms I have, a knock at the door came. I was expecting this, but I didn't expect myself to be so scared. "Rose, please I need to talk to you" a familiar voice came from outside, I backed away and picked up the nearest thing I could use as a weapon, in this case a sharp stone. "Rose please, I cannot enter the house without your permission, I know what I did was wrong and I want to apologise, I- I love you Rosie" my eyes widened, he actually said it, he loved me. I reluctantly opened the door and saw the surprise in his eyes, yet there was still pain and guilt hidden away. "Come in" I said quietly as his left foot took a step in. As his body came in, he lunged and hugged me, to begin with, I flinched, thinking he was about to finish me off, but I just stayed still. "I'm leaving the village, with Niklaus, Rebekah, Kol and Finn" he said, very forward and to the point. "L-l-leaving?" I managed to push out a word, he looked at me, upset as I tore myself away from his grip. "I'm sorry" he looked at the floor, trying not to see the hurt in my eyes, but he knew my gaze was still on him. In one quick moment he placed both hands on my cheeks and pushed his lips on mine, we stayed there for a moment, and I placed my arms on his shoulders. But after some time, he disappeared, vanished in mid air. He was gone.

I sat on my bed for a while, mixed emotions. My thoughts were interrupted by screaming and chanting in the village. My curiosity got the better of me, and I ventured outside to see what was going on. What I saw was surprising, and terrifying. Elijah and his siblings were cornered, like some kind of animals. There was a fire near them, and they were being edged towards it, they were going to be killed. I had to act quickly if I could save Elijah. I raised both hands and walked out into the crowd chanting, my magic thrusted two men away and made a gap in the fire for Elijah and his family to run through. "GO" I shouted, they ran through, Elijah was last, he glanced at me, worry struck his eyes. The magic begun to overwhelm me, I grew weaker, as I shouted again for Elijah to leave, I felt something peirce my chest, Elijah opened his mouth and a tear rolled down his cheek before Niklaus pulled him away. I was stabbed, blood poured out of me as I tried to pull it out but it was too late.

I drifted in and out of consciousness, and I woke weak and in pain. I was tied to a stake, below me, fire struck and started to grow. I tried to chant and release myself but I was worn out. The fire grew and started to climb my legs. I screamed, the burning sensation began to worsen and at that time I gave up. I heard whispers in my ear, my ancestors "traitor" over and over again, I helped vampires escape from death and they were not happy about it. I took my last breath and closed my eyes, and finally it was over.

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