━Why did you bring a Cutter?

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a / n dedicated to xboujeebellas for the lovely comment! she's one of the sweetest person i've ever encounter. thanks! x



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"Tag your it!!!" AJ Styles yelled as he patted Dolph Ziggler's shoulder as they ran along the shores.

A soft breeze blew some strand of my hair on my face, the smell of the salty sea tingled my nose as I breathed in a breath of fresh air. So basically, we all went to this beach for vacation, just our small peer group. I couldn't help laughing at them. I was wearing red and white stripes swimsuit while sitting on these pretty golden sand.

I looked at the girls playing in the shore and noticed Charlotte's weird stares at me. What's the matter with her? I've noticed as well her strange actions towards me these past few days. I'm so confused. She's so weird lately. I mean I'm not doing anything against her.

I'm not really close with her and Sasha, Unlike the bond I have with Carmella and Mandy which is pure and strong. We trust each other. I believed in a saying that Whether it's a friendship or relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing.

"Dean! Come and join us!" Roman shouted out loud with a big smile on his face, reassuring Dean, the newest member of our group, what they're doing is fun. Dean looked at him and returned his vision on a black cutter he was holding the whole time.

"Why did you bring that?" I asked Dean, pointing out the rusty cutter. He almost jumped off as he heard my voice next to him. "A-alexa, you scared me!" He said with a nervous tone of voice, hiding the cutter inside his bag as fast as he could

"I was sitting here beside you the whole time," Brows furrowed, I told him without breaking my sight on his cutter. "Y-you do?" Dean said in shock. "Whatever, maybe you just didn't notice my presence." I rolled my eyes.

"I told you, Lex. You have camouflage powers!" A voice boomed behind us so I quickly turned my head around. "Seth? What are you doing there? How long have you been there?" "Playing Adorable home! Wanna join me, girl?" He grinned without glancing at me while playing on his phone.

I gave him a sardonic laugh and said, "No chance and yuck! Don't you ever call me 'girl' again! It's too cringe to hear!" My attention caught by Dean as he brought out that cutter from his beach bag and keeps staring at it.

"Hey Dean, Is that a cutter?" I asked him once again. I couldn't keep my curiosity away when it comes to Dean Ambrose. As I've said, he's the newest member of our small group recruited by Seth.

Dean looked up as he heard me questioned him. Not a moment longer, he trudged his sight back on his cutter. "Yeah." He thriftily answered. "Uh...mind if I ask why did you even bring that thing up on our vacation?" I asked curiously.

"Didn't you bring pepper spray with you? Just like those stuff, this is for my safety. For self-defense." He declared and drifted his icy eyes on the sand.

"Cool" Was the only word I said before I left him with Seth alone to join the other girls swimming on the shore. "Oh, Alexa! I thought you're not going to experience this lively water!" Carmella said playfully as she started to hit me with waters.

I may not know him well but I felt something different about Dean Ambrose that I couldn't explain. I hope I'll get an answer to my question.

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