━Chasing Dean

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a / n dedicated to SinnaMonnBun can't believe that one of my favorite author is reading this book! so glad you're invested on the plot! ♥



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"HOLY SHIT! WHERE'S THE DAMN CUTTER?!" I heard Carmella's voice coming from the living room.

Oh god. If the cutter has taken away, we have no evidence left. We have no instrument to prove who's the killer.

I am scared. Very terrified. What if the killer comes into me? I keep jumping from my seat, trying to escape from getting tied. Everything is black. There's no source of light here in the kitchen. I couldn't see anything.

"Dolph?! Dean? Mella?!" I desperately called them out.

A few seconds after, lights were suddenly back and Dolph holding a clean knife on his hand was the first thing boomed on my sight.

My eyes widen and I screamed when he starts walking, coming into my direction. Shit! Is he going to stab me?!


"Mandy! Mandy! Don't freak out! I'm here to set you free." He said right away in a low voice, and slowly cuts the ropes on my hands and feet using the clean knife.

I shifted my eyes on him and asked, "Y-you believe me? You believe me that I'm not the killer?"

"From the moment I looked into your eyes, I know you're innocent." He smiles. I immediately hugged him after he sets me free and started crying on his shoulders.

"It's okay. I'm here." He said softly, rubbing my back in circle motions. "Something insides me pointing that person is the culprit, based on his actions, but I'm not sure yet and I'm still going to observe."

I furrowed my brows at him and was about to ask 'who is that?' when a noise of a shattered phone coming from the living room captured our attention.

Dolph and I shared a look and immediately trudged in the living room.

"Holy cow!" I blurted out when we saw Dean Ambrose, on his knees, eyes widened, looking at Carmella's body full of blood on the floor.

"CARMELLA!!!" I screamed out as my limbs started to shake.

"YOU'RE SON OF A BITCH, AMBROSE!" Dolph cursed and delivered a big punch across Dean's jaw without a second thought. "WHY DID YOU KILL HER, HUH?! WHY?!"

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