━The Next Victim

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a / n dedicated to SVLTANII for the bunch of comments! i like it when you do flood comments! i was very flattered about it ♥ 



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Sasha gritted her teeth as she couldn't help but attack their friend Mandy Rose with her bare hands.

"Gosh, Sasha! Will ya calm down?!" Dolph shouted, blocking the way of her to reach Mandy. I rolled my eyes seeing how protective Dolph towards Mandy all the time, the woman she cheated on me with.


"I SAID I DIDN'T DO IT!" Mandy yelled back, eyes were glaring at Sasha.

"YOU TERRIBLE LIAR!" Sasha shouted and Seth immediately grabbed her arms before she could lay her hands on Mandy.

"I couldn't argue with Sasha." I howled and shifted my eyes to Mandy. "What's the meaning of this? Why the fuck Vince texted you this kind of shit, huh?! Did he ordered you to KILL US?!"

Dolph suddenly groaned in frustration, stroking his fingers on his head. "Guys! Guys! Stop all this nonsense! Can we please hear Mandy out?!" He defended her once again.

I don't know but it feels like he has an alliance with Mandy.

We all turned our attention to Mandy who took a deep breath before she speaks, "I swear guys, believe me. I have nothing to do with that text. I didn't kill Charlotte. Heck I don't hella even know why Vince texted me that."

I hissed, keeping my eyes rolling, "How can we believe you, huh?"

At this point, judging from Sasha, Alexa, and Seth's eyes, none of us is aware if she's telling the truth. Knowing Mandy Rose, after Charlotte revealed the thing about her and Dolph, I lost my trust in her. She's too secretive. Her relationship with Dolph Ziggler, she hides it too.

Therefore, no one should trust her.

"Promise! Swear to God. Please, believe me guys!" Mandy pleaded, alternating her gaze on everybody's eyes.

We gave her stares. I side-eyed Sasha for the signal. Without a second thought, Sasha pushed Mandy into the chair and started tying her arms.

This is what we planned, this is what Sasha and I planned. Must tie the killer right away when we caught her.

"Guys! What the fuck are you doing?! I thought Roman's the killer?! WHY ARE YOU TYING HER UP?!" Dolph desperately shouted and I immediately pushed him away before he could set Mandy free.

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