━Her before Him

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a / n dedicated to AmbrolleignsGirl20 shout out to you! she's one of the supportive peep ever! x



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"How did you get in here anyway?" I asked Roman as I sat next to him and then he pointed the big hole in the ceiling.

"After I found out Charlotte cheated on me, I went upstairs and keep myself running down the hallway then the lights blacked out, and then all I remembered is that I fell from a trap hole, and I fell here."

"I tried to find the door but I didn't see anything. I couldn't reach the ceiling, it's too high. I tried shouting but no one heard me. I felt hopeless after that. It feels like there's no way I could escape from this bunker." Roman added.

"I'm sorry. My parents didn't tell me about that trap." I said.

"It's not your problem, Sasha." He smiled.

"You must be lucky, Roman," Seth commented as he sighed in sorrow.

Roman furrowed his brows in confusion and then he scanned the five of us, "What do you mean? Wait, where are the others? Where's my girlfriend? Where's Dean, Carmella, and AJ?"

Seth side-eyed me as a sign if we should tell him but Alexa suddenly breaks down in tears.

"They're gone, Roman." She sobs, making Mandy rub her back.

"What? What do you mean by that? Someone kidnapped them?" Roman confusedly asked.

I sighed. "No. Someone killed them."

"No...." Roman shook his head as his eyes started to become teary, "Tell me it's not true."

"D-dean killed Charlotte. He killed all of them." Seth said.

"NO WAY! WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!" Roman yelled in pain, punching the wall.

"We don't know either. But all the arrows were pointing at him." Alexa explained after she recovered from crying.

It must be tough for Roman to accept fate. He might felt miserable right now. He couldn't have the chance to talk with Charlotte and fix their relationship before she gets murder.

"Damn! Nothing will happen if we stayed here for longer! What we should do is to capture Dean before he attacks us!" Seth yelled.

"We shouldn't waste time. Girls, you stay here and the boys and I will hunt Dean right now." Roman instructed through gritted teeth, anger filled his voice.

"But you don't have any weapons." Mandy worriedly said.

"We will try to get one from the kitchen," Seth assures us. "Let's go, Dolph."

I looked at Dolph and it seems like he's thinking about something. He locked his eyes with Seth and stood up from the bed hesitantly.

My heart suddenly pumps fastly. I started to feel nervous about the boys' idea. I already told them what I felt, and I think Dean isn't the one who's responsible for our friend's death, but no one believed me. So I don't know if what we're doing is right.

I glanced up at Mandy and Alexa sitting beside me. I couldn't explain this feeling, it feels like something's not right.

Roman, Seth, and Dolph stepped outside from the bunker and shuts the door closed. I stared at Alexa and her eyes were flaming in anger.

I can't blame her actions and emotions. She just found out her late boyfriend's corpse.

"Hey! Alexa! Where are you going?!" I shouted when she suddenly stood up, making her way to the exit.

"Let her be, Sasha," Mandy said, stopping me to drag Alexa back. "She just wants to punish the killer for murdering her ex."

"What if we suspected the wrong person? What if she's the real killer?! She's probably chasing other boys to kill them right now!" I yelled at Mandy.

"Sasha? Why are you saying things like that?"

"Nobody suspects Alexa! What if she's just acting?! You can't tell if someone's lying!"

"Remember the time, we were about to play the game and I asked where's AJ? She said, 'we don't need him though' Maybe, that time, she already killed AJ and hide him in the bushes."

"How can you explain about Carmella's case? She wasn't there!"

"She wasn't there but it blacked out so what if she secretly went back to the living room to kill Mella? You didn't see anything!"

"Whatever your theory is, it'll just make you paranoid." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, is there a way we could escape from this island? The fact that we couldn't get a signal in our phones makes me feel hopeless."

"The boats are only available every morning. Escaping tonight is unlikely to happen." I said and I went to the cabinet beside the bed to get a gun.

"Crap! Why do you have that gun?" I heard Mandy suddenly freaked out.

"Don't worry. I'm not the killer so shooting you is impossible to happen." I chuckled as I placed down the gun on the bed.

"Why do you have that anyway?" She curiously asked.

"My family and I have this for safety. For self-defense." I replied. "Give me your phone, maybe I could get a signal from yours."

Mandy groaned, "Where the hell is your brain, Sasha? We were in a closed room, how can you even get a signal from here?"

"Just shut up, we have nothing to lose if we're going to try." I rolled my eyes and she unwillingly threw her phone on her.

I turned around and smirked. Mandy's so naive. The reason I wanted to borrow her phone is to investigate her DMs. What if that message isn't wrong sent at all? What if Carmella's right? What if Mandy's just playing with us the whole time?


"Someone texted me? Is it my Mom?" I heard Mandy asked from behind.

I gulped as I read the name of the sender. "It's from...V-vince."

"What?! Not again!"

What shocked me the most is when I read the message and it's about me. Is this still wrong send?

From: Vince McMahon
Kill Sasha first before you kill him.

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A/N: GUYS GUYS! next chapter, you will finally find out who's the real killer! i actually alreay gave you hints from the few past chapters. Sooo Stay tune! 

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