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a / n dedicated to NotoriousBitchxx for these amazing comments! her comments is literally me when i'm reading some stories! thank you girl! she's one of the supportive peep ever! x



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"Why do I have this feeling that something bad will happen." Dean let out a sigh, sitting on his bed as he keeps closing and opening his black cutter back and forth.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dean immediately put his cutter back on his bag as he heard someone spoke. Roman Reigns knitted his brows at Dean, crossing his arms as he walked towards his closet.

They were all in the living room, spending the remaining hour, in the middle of the night. Alexa and Sasha were laughing at Seth's corny jokes. Roman and Charlotte found themself drinking coffee on the sofa.

Dolph cuddling closer to his girlfriend Carmella on the mat. Dean was, as usual, sitting with himself, playing the fork in boredom.

Mandy keeps rolling her eyes as she was sitting there for about twenty minutes.

"Damn it! I'm so bored!" She groaned in frustration, making everyone looked at her as she caught their attention. "Just play with yourself, Mandy." Charlotte teased. "Guys! Stop doing those boring stuff! Sit with me and let's play!" She said happily and sat on the floor.

"No thanks. I would rather play adorable home on my phone." Alexa snorted and bring her phone out. "Oh come' on, guys! Please?" Mandy pouted and begged for attention. "I'm in, Mandy!" Dolph suddenly smile. "Come' on sweetie, let's join Mandy." He said to his girlfriend in which Carmella nodded as she thought it of a good idea.

Charlotte, Roman, Seth, Dean, and Sasha also sat on the floor to join in. Everyone seemed excited about Mandy's game but not Alexa. They all growled when she was busy on her phone.

Mandy walked over to Alexa and snatched her phone. "Hey! Gimme back my phone!" Alexa irritably exclaimed. "Phone is freaking destruction to our game. We should get rid of them." Mandy stated. Roman nodded and gave Charlotte and his phone to Mandy. Others did the same and Seth felt jealous.

"What's with that face, Rollins?" Mandy chuckled as she opened the drawer of a cabinet in a kitchen and put their phones inside. "Kinda bit jelly and felt so unfair since all your phones were in there. I'll go get mine in the room! Just wait for me!" Seth informs as he ran, heading his way upstairs.

"Anyway, where's L'oreal Styles?" Sasha questioned when she realized AJ wasn't sitting with them. "He said he wanted to be alone," Carmella answered for her.

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