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I swiped the screen of my phone and saw it's already 4:13 in the morning. Vince ordered me to kill all of my friends before the sun rises but whatever, the sun's just about to rise so I still have plenty of time.

"HELP!!!" Sasha screamed, trying to undo the ropes on her limbs. Mandy also gave me death glares but that's the only thing she could do, all thanks to the mouth tape, and of course to Sasha who tied her up.


"Keep screaming until your voice's gone. You are inside the bunker. Just like what Roman said, no one can hear you here." I smirked, staring at the cutter on my palm, filled with fresh blood of Dean and Alexa.

"Why? Why did you agree on this?" I heard Sasha questioned.

"I'll be perfectly frank, I don't even feel any real friendship sticking up with you guys." I chuckled. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just stating the facts.

I shook my head and glimpsed at Mandy, "What the hell is a friendship where your friend slept with your friend's girlfriend or boyfriend?"

"How the fuck you can call this friendship when everyone keeps hiding secrets from each other?" I added as I remembered what happened between Roman, Charlotte, AJ, Alexa, Dolph, Carmella, and Mandy. "Those so-called strong bonds are all fake. Our friendship makes me sick."

"And you just rubbed salt into the wound." Sasha glared at me but I just showed my perfect set of teeth as a response.

"Then Vince offers me something. Something that no one could resist when you are living in reality. He offered me a hundred billion in one condition, I will kill all of you. I mean who the hell doesn't want to be multi-billionaire? Of course, I accept it no matter what the circumstances."

"I can't believe you can do this kind of stuff, Seth." Sasha looked at me with disappointment.

"Well, I did." I chuckled and wipe the cutter with her white shirt, staring into her hazelnut eyes glaring into mine.

"I decided my first victim will be AJ Styles. After hearing AJ and Alexa's unstoppable drama, I grabbed the opportunity to kill him or should I say...drown him since it was just the two of us left in the pool last night." I announced as I sat next to Sasha and twirls her blue hair with the cutter.

"Remember I told you? I have the ability to breathe under the water for five minutes, so I didn't struggle to drown him to death." I chuckled at myself. Gosh! I'm so proud of what I did and how it turned out.

"Dean was my roommate. I know where he exactly hides his cutter on his bag. You know what," I turned to Mandy and tapped her head like a dog. "If it wasn't for you, everyone would already notice the first suspicious act of mine. Remember the time you put all the phones in the cabinet? And I said mine was upstairs?"

"Let me guess," Sasha interjected herself, "That was your way to get Dean's cutter?"

I looked at her and clapped my hands, "Wow! Your guess is right."

"Then there's Charlotte. Didn't you know that Vince is just there, somewhere on the outside of the rest house? He came to help me. He's actually the reason why these blackouts able to happen."

"What? Vince was there?" She asked as she couldn't believe it.

"I made Charlotte be my second victim because, at that time, Dolph, Mandy, Roman, and Alexa hate her, most of you obviously hated Charlotte. Killing her doesn't reflect me since I didn't show any hatred towards her."

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