━Don't do it

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a / n dedicated to sethskingdom for being such a supportive person by jotting comments! so glad that some people are fascinated reading this story! x



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"Alright," I said and then ended the phone call as I looked on the sunny skies at my window. I stormed out of my room and excitedly to meet Sasha in our secret place, the basement.

This is the second time I will go there and I'm not worried at all. There's no way I would get lost I swear 'cause I have a good memory in directions.

As I walking down the kitchen, my eyesight caught three of my friends talking with each other. I hide on the wall to gossip at their conversation. I know it's a bad thing but I can't help it.

I heard Dolph begging Charlotte 'don't do it.' while Mandy's just standing right there doing nothing. I saw Charlotte keep rolling her eyes at him. What does he meant by don't do it?


I stared at my friends as they swim in the deep pool. I couldn't help thinking why Charlotte doesn't talk to me that much lately. We have been together for like two years and I'm planning to give her an engagement ring on my birthday.

"Why do you keep hiding things on me, AJ?! I thought you said there are no more secrets between us?!" I turned to Alexa when she yelled at that. "Alexa, what are you talking about? I'm not hiding a thing." AJ denied and dived on the pool.

"I'm so done with you lying. I caught your conversation with Sasha on your phone last night before we settled this fucking vacation." Alexa said in a stern voice.

"Hey Ro," I was taken back when Dolph called my name. I turned to him and he was sitting on the other side of the pool with his girlfriend Carmella. "Could you get my hair tie? It's in the pocket of my bag." Dolph ordered and I nod my head.

"FINE! I slept with her!" AJ suddenly confessed. "WHAT?! WITH SASHA?!" "NO! With her!" I heard AJ yelled before I could reach the main door.

I headed to the boy's bedroom and immediately rummaged on the black bag. I unzipped the pocket to look for the tie. But I found a cutter instead. Cutter?

"Hey, what are you doing there?" I almost jumped off when Dean spoke up and he's standing right next to the door. "What are you doing on my bag?" He confusedly asked but anger filled his voice as he pushed me away. "Y-your bag? I'm s-sorry! I thought it was Dolph's..." I apologized as I gulped in horror and saw the other black bag near the closet.


I confessed everything to Alexa and the thing I feared the most happened, she broke up with me. Mandy invited us to eat dinner but I refused. I need time with myself alone, and I expected Alexa doesn't want to see me there and it might ruin her appetite if I eat with them.

After a few hours, Seth, Dolph, Carmella, and Sasha went back here in the pool and started swimming. Seth even tried to talk with me about what happened but I didn't bother to open my mouth as I ignored his presence.

"Oh! I'll just go to the 'kitchen' and will have some fun..." Sasha suddenly said after she dries herself with a towel and then she looked at Seth and caught her wink, "Wanna follow me, lover boy?"

I saw Seth grew a smirk and exclaimed, "OOOH YES! A round 2!" WTF? I closed my eyes right away as I couldn't help from getting bitter at Dolph and Mella. They were hugging each other like there's no more tomorrow.

Then, I started to refresh my mind. I just lost the person I really love. I should've not done that ridiculous thing, Just because of being jealous of how close she's with Murphy, I tended to cheat on her. I hate myself for hurting her fragile heart.

I groaned, opened my eyes and went back from reality. I looked around but I didn't saw  Dolph, Carmella, and Seth anymore. I think they already went inside the rest house.

Then I remembered the good times I had with Alexa suddenly, "Fuck! I fucking hate myself!" I growled and dived down on the water. I was about to go upwards when I suddenly felt a hand, grabbing my legs and pulling me down. I tried to kick the person but I also struggled when I couldn't hold my breath anymore. I didn't saw who is it but the only thing I know, I came to the point that my lungs couldn't function any longer. 

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A/N: OH NO AJ!!!!!!!!!!! But the question is, who drown him to death?

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