Chapter 8: Exams

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After the hectic times of the school festival, came a period that made all students feel like they want to quit school and be unemployed instead.


Well, for most people.

Momo Yaoyorozu, whose hobby is reading encyclopedias, loved a chance for her to prove that she had been working hard. Shoto Todoroki wasn't that behind her either, but she had always had the upper hand.

However, these were the times that Momo's freedom would be snatched away by her classmates. Of course, she had been willing to help them, but she won't have time to spend with Shoto.

Momo slapped herself in the middle of a class.

When Mr. Aizawa was announcing the dates for the upcoming finals, she was going to see less of Shoto since he was the type to study alone. She couldn't believe she was thinking of that.

"I'm not going to repeat the dates again, so make sure you write them down," warned Mr. Aizawa upon seeing some of his students that were yawning in the class.

"I thought we already had exams two days ago," complained Mina, sighing along the way.

"That was the midterms and it was a few weeks ago," Mr. Aizawa argued. He certainly seemed to not have any energy explaining common sense.

Surprisingly, Kaminari and Sero had their faces beaming with confidence. Even the others felt like they had a conspiracy going on behind their backs. When Mr. Aizawa exited the class, both of them ran to Momo's table.

In unison, they asked, "Yao-momo! Are you going to tutor us again?"

Before Momo could answer their question, Mina and Jirou also scurried to her. "No way! She's gonna teach us Mathematics and English."

To their surprise, Ojiro and Satou walked over to Momo's table as well. "We want you to tutor us too."

"We're calling dibs on Momo. Stay away, peasants," exhorted Kaminari.

Angered, Jirou said, "Stop hogging her, you selfish-"

Feeling too much heat from six different people, Momo was starting to lose her cool. Shoto, who was sitting beside her didn't know how to help. That's why he didn't want too many friends.

"Guys, guys. It's fine. I'll have time to tutor you all. Don't fight, okay? We can make a schedule," Momo reassured them.

Smiling broadly with their hands clasping together, they exclaimed, "Really?"

She laughed. "Of course. It's gonna be a hectic week after all."

When she was done comforting them, they returned to their seats with newfound confidence. They didn't want to be the top of the class. They just wanted to pass with good marks that won't make class 1-A ashamed of other classes.

Especially Monoma from class 1-B. He wouldn't shut up if he could dig dirt about class 1-A.

Once they were out of earshot, Momo sighed, already beckoning that she won't have time to rest. If she was at home, her time for them would be limited. Living in the dorms meant that she would have to tutor them all day.

Shoto was staring at her, wondering if he could help. However, he realized that he would not be a good tutor. He didn't have the charisma of being a teacher like Momo.

He took out an apple that he brought from the dorms and put it on Momo's table. "Here."

"An apple?" Momo asked.

"Seems like you'll be needing extra energy."

She looked at it before chuckling. "This is very thoughtful of you."

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