Chapter 24: Filial Obligations III

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"Caught you."

Several days were spent on spying, planning and making strategies.

Momo was adamant to expose Alexander Hawthorne and the dark circles around her eyes were her proof of determination. Nights were not used to sleep but to discern and observe his movements.

She knew there was a pattern.

The one time when she was ready, she manipulated the security cameras around the mansion to hide her presence and sneaked out, following him.

Shoto waited anxiously for any signals.

He didn't get lots of sleep after all. His nights were spent gazing at the watch, wondering what Momo was doing and if she was safe.

He worried unnecessarily for her because she was usually calm, which made him scared that the watch won't be working properly.

The sudden beep, location and her increasing blood pressure jolted him out from his reverie. Finally, he was able to make his move.

At first, the alarm suddenly blared out that she was in activity mode and a lot of energy was being expelled from her body. She was using her Quirk and her breathing showed that she was in combat mode.

He suspected that Momo had been trying to keep calm all along, but she guessed that it won't do anymore.

As Shoto slipped out from the dorms, he didn't wait for more. He alerted his friends who promised him that they would help and went together.

He sneaked around the roads, turned over some junctions, traffic lights and signboards.

After what it felt like an hour, he found himself at the location: a dilapidated warehouse that threateningly had windows that would fall down in any minute.

Although nobody would suspect that anyone was present, he saw bits of light from the cracked walls and knew Momo was inside. The milliseconds between each beeps were getting quicker, telling him that he had to act.

All of a sudden, the watch stopped working.

The beep quieted down and her blood pressure grew normal, almost as if she was asleep.

No, this was the pattern of an unconscious person.

Something bad must have happened to her.

He requested for his friends to stay out first, letting him discern the situation. Even though his heart was scared and worried for Momo, he had to keep calm.

This was not the usual villain-fighting moment that he wouldn't hesitate to hurt the bad guys.

One wrong move and he could cost Momo her life.

However, Shoto was used to being flashy, just like Midoriya and Bakugo. He kicked the decaying entrance which suspiciously seemed like a door and revealed curious eyes who stared at him from top to bottom.

He took in the situation.

There were several people on the floor, unconscious but very much alive. Some others were in formal suits and sunglasses, albeit wearing it during the night and they were holding weapons against him.

Alexander Hawthorne had a group working for him.

Momo was right. This wasn't just an arranged marriage, it was a conspiracy. People were working to do something to her family business.

Upon seeing Shoto, they didn't make a move yet. Shoto also didn't know who Alexander Hawthorne was.

As his eyes wandered, he settled on one figure of a woman on the floor, face down. She wasn't wearing her usual hero costume, but a pair of black leggings with a thin crop top. Her hair was left tumbling down on her shoulders to the floor.

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