Xiumin (smut)

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||Requested by xiuminoverdosed.exo99 ||


As you walked down the crowded halls you looked down knowing that at any moment Xiumin would turn at the corner up ahead. And if you didn't keep your head down you guys would make eye contact. You and Xiumin have been making eye contact with each other since freshman year! That's four years of eye contact and nothing else. You guys were never in each others classes, never even waved at each other to be friendly. So in the end you had built a crush around someone you had never heard speak. Despite not talking to him you had enough information about him to admire him. You knew he was in all the advanced classes, he was active in a lot of school activities and clubs and he was on the varsity soccer team. He was your definition of perfection and almost every other girl at the school. At least he was until recently, the day before to be exact. Your year was going by as it usually did when it came to Xiumin, you made eye contact and occasionally you'd see him outside of school while you guys did your separate activities. However as you were leaving your activities yesterday you heard someone making some noise down the hall. You being a naturally curious and worrisome person you checked to see what the commotion was. "Hello?" You called out as you entered the school halls walking with an anxious feel. You heard someone whisper. "Xiumin, someone's coming." You heart dropped. "S-sorry." You said before turning and walking away quickly. "Hey!" You heard him yell just as you were walking out of the halls. Feeling a bit startled and compelled to, you turned around, stupidly letting him know it was you. He looked just as surprised as you were. He then took a step toward you, without a second thought you turned to make a run for it.

Now here you were, feeling terrified to look up and anticipating the moment that you were safely out of site from him when it was usually you anticipating till your eyes met. Feeling you were safe after passing the usual length of visibility you looked up and turned to look behind you. However you didn't have to turn your head very far to check if you were in the clear. Much to your surprise and fear Xiumin was walking right beside you looking casual as ever. Not knowing how to react you turned your head forward again and tried walking faster, concluding and hoping that it was a coincidence. When you got a foot or two ahead you felt his big hand on your shoulder. You stopped, tensing up more than you already were. "Yah. I think we should talk. Meet me in my club room after school." His hand let go of your shoulder and you stood frozen for a moment. Then you realized what had just been asked of you, "Wait, wait! Why?" You yelled toward him as he walked down the hall. He turned around and cocked an eyebrow at you, "You know what for." And walked off to his class. ***** After school your feet dragged you to his usual Friday club room. You felt so much dread and excitement at the same time on the inside that you became calm on the outside. You knocked on the door waiting patiently for him to tell you "Come in." Or to open it for you. His response or action never came so you took the liberty of peeking into the club room to see if he was in there. No sign of him. You felt more at ease and furthered your liberty by walking into the club room. You walked around looking at the paperwork and the planned club activities. Most of the papers had Xiumin's signature along with their administrators.

You moved along to the markers and other drawing utensils they had for making posters. You picked up the blade that they had for cutting the thicker stuff. "That's dangerous you know." You flinched and dropped the blade after hearing Xiumin's voice. Turning around your dreading and excited state allowed a cool response to leave your lips. "Only in the hands of someone dangerous." He laughed at you before sauntering, hands in pocket, over to you. You held your ground, down to the point where he stood before you. He smirked at you and leaned down picking up the blade. When he stood again he played with it, one hand turning it at the base while the other had a single fingertip on the spiked tip. "How dangerous would this blade be in my hands?" You cursed yourself for replying with words that left room for interpretation. All fear aside you answered him, you knew it was the wrong answer but that didn't stop you from saying, "Not at all." You were testing him and it was driving you crazy that you could even muster up the nerves to say a word to him. His eyes glinted as his smirk fell. "Wrong answer." Your stomach dropped, at the same time the heat built between your legs. In the blink of an eye you were pressed up against the counter. Blade at your neck forcing you to look up at Xiumin's eyes. A strong hand gripping the back of your neck pulling you closer into the blade. Strong hips pressed against yours keeping you still along with a knee between your knees. Your hands were keen on holding his blade strewn hand trying to keep the cool feel of it as far as you could manage to pull it away. "In my opinion, this blade became ten times more dangerous the second it touched my hands." He teased, showing that your hands had no effect on his strength he pressed it harder against your neck making you gasp. You knew then that he had all the control in this situation.

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