Sehun (jealous)

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"Kaaiii kaiii!!!" You best friend ran to kai your guy best friend telling him that you fall  during the basketball practice. Sehun your ex was sitting beside kai, once Sehun heard that he rushed before kai to the sport hall. But they arrived at the same time. You were siting on a bench, you right knee was bleeding. Sehun stopped in his place not moving an inch he don't know why he got really worried. Kai sat beside you "are you okay? Let's go to nurse" you nodded and kai helped you to walk. Sehun was walking silently right behind you two. "Hello is anyone here?" Kai asked the room was empty.  You sat on the bed as kai brought the first aid kit. "Well am not good at this but I will try" "Naduu" you said. Sehun was looking at you both he hate the way kai touched you legs. "Yah move away I will do it" sehun couldn't hold himself.  He took the first aid kit and cleaned your cut. You kept blushing every time he touches you. "Are you better now!?" Sehun asked "nae I want to lay down my I have a headache" sehun quickly helped you to lay down and covered you with the blanket "if you need anything call me" you blushed and nodded. Sehun pulled kai with him outside and closed the door. Kai smiled "jealous??" He asked "NOO!!" Sehun replied "ohh man I know!!" Sehun sighed "okay yes I am!!" "But you both broke up long ago.. sehun do you still have feelings for her?" Sehun slightly nodded.  Kai laughed at him "well good luck"

In the break time kai brought you lunch and sat down you in the nurse room with you. "I have a headache and I don't feel like eating" you pushed the tray away. Sehun brought you your favorite juice and sandwich. Sehun saw kai was with you and you both were smiling and chatting.  He held the juice bottle tightly and bit his lips. Kai went out to bathroom and saw sehun "go in I won't bother you two" sehun nodded and nervously entered the room. You smiled when you saw sehun and he smiled back. "I brought you this" he said as ye handed you the food "but I don't feel like eating op- sehun" you tried to push it but sehun stopped you "anii andee you have to eat!! That's why you have headache" you sigh "give me the pain killer please" sehun refused and sat beside you "eat first" he opened the bottle for you, when it comes to sehun you always give up, actually you loved how he's worried about you even know you both broke up few months ago. That's made you wonder if you still have feelings for him. In the end you took the juice from him and ate your sandwich "gomawoo sehun" you brightly smiled. "This is nothing. Now rest" you don't why but you rested you head on his shoulder.  That made you heart beats like drums and you blushed red.

After school Kai helped you to walk tell the gate sehun was taking glances at you two. You stopped and looked at kai "kai appo I can't walk" "arsoo then get on my back" before kai kneels down sehun quickly came. He threw his bag away and slightly pushed kai away "I will do it.. jagii I mean (y/n) get on my back" you blushed red but in the end you wrapped your arms around his neck and he held both of your legs carefully so he won't hurt you. Kai winked at you "sehun I will take you bag with me bbye love birds" kai ran away from both of you. Now it's only you and sehun, sehun started to walk to your house since it's not far away. "He's soo cute omo kai said he's jealous I agree with him" you thought and hugged his neck tighter.  Lucky sehun that you can't see his blushing face. "Hmm sehun-ah" sehun hummed "perhaps do you still ha-v-e fee-l-in-gs tow-ards me!?" You shyly asked, sehun didn't reply you he thought for a moment and asked you "what about you do love me? I mean still have feelings for me?" You pouted and replied "I asked you first" sehun stopped walking and asked you "hmm what you think isn't obvious!?" "Hmm you can't get jealous if you don't love me right?" Sehun stopped in front you home and let you down. He turned around facing you. "Mwooo? I would I be jealous?" "Uggh it's not a bad thing to be jealous sehun!! Why men deny that!!" You pouted. Sehun looked at you lips and gave you really quick peck "I said before every time you do that I will kiss you harder" you pushed your lips more, sehun held your both cheeks and kissed you again this time longer and deeper. You smiled into the kiss and held his both wrists. "That's my answer (y/n) I love you I won't be a jerk and leave you again" you can't hide how happy you are. You jumped to hug him but cried in pain "aishsh jagii!! You knee bleeding again "but I want to hug you" sehun smiled and whispered"we can cuddle all night babe don't worry" by that he carried you inside the house


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