Chanyeol (cute)

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[Imagine baking cookies with Chanyeol.]

You leaned against Chanyeol as you two sat on the couch and he smiled, kissing the top of your head. After some time he stood up and walked into the kitchen. You heard how he opened and closed the cupboards. You were curious and stood up, looking into the kitchen. "What are you doing?", you asked as he continued digging through the cupboard. "I'm yearning for some cookies!", he replied and you smiled. "We have no cookies." He pouted and closed the cupboard. You walked towards him and pecked his lips. "But we can bake some.", you said and his face instantly lightened up. "What do we need?", he asked and jumped around a little. You giggled and listed all the ingredients. He quickly collected them all and put them onto the counter. "And we need a mixing bowl, a whisk and a baking tray." He nodded and collected all of the things. You two started putting all the ingredients together.

Chanyeol smirked and reached inside the bag full of flour. "Jagiya~", he chimed and you turned around. He threw the flour directly at your face and started laughing as he saw your puzzled expression. "Oppa!", you whined and tried to get the flour off your face and out of your hair. "Why did you do this?", you asked and pouted. He smiled and ruffled your hair. "You're kinda cute.", he said and kissed your forehead. You giggled as you saw his white lips. The flour sticked to them and you wiped them with your sleeve. "You're an idiot.", you said and he grinned as you kissed the tip of his nose. "I'm your idiot." "My only idiot.", you added and he kissed you softly. "Let's continue baking!", you said and he nodded his head rapidly. You put the cookie dough onto the tray and were about to put it into the oven as Chanyeol took it out of your hands. "I don't want you to burn yourself.", he said and you smiled at him. He put the tray into the oven. "And now we wait.", you said and were about to walk back into the living room as Chanyeol grabbed you from behind.

You screamed a little and he laughed. He put you onto the counter and started peppering your face with kisses while the cookies were baking. You giggled and he smiled at you. You soon could smell the cookies throughout your apartment and he took a look at them. "I think they're done!", he happily exclaimed and took them out of the oven. You two waited for them too cool down a little before Chanyeol started eating one. "They're so delicious!", he said and took another one. "Hey, I want one too!", you said and he smiled sheepishly, handing you the cookie. He grabbed a bowl and put the cookies inside before he walked back into the living room with the bowl in his hand and you in his arm. You two sat down on the couch and got back to your previous position. You were leaning against him and he had his arm wrapped around you while you two were enjoying the cookies. "I love the cookies almost as much as I love you.", he said and you smiled at him. You pecked his lips and he grinned, tightening his grip around you.


A/n: Please vote guys

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