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"What? Really?", Mikasa said.

"Yeah, I thought you already knew? You told the boys that I was late."

"Yeah, but I didn't think you'd actually turn out to be pregnant! And boys? So you don't know the father?!"


"(Your name)! How could you be so dense?!"


I was cut off by her hugging me.

"(Your name), I can't imagine what you're going through... Are you gonna keep it?"

"Yeah.. I just decided... I was going full out on the abortion idea, but I was swayed by everyone's words, and I think it'll be a pain in the ass, but a new journey, and adventure in life."

"Oh (your name), it's not like you to be swayed easily. Knowing you, you're a stubborn fuck, to be honest."

She giggled, and I followed shortly after. She always knew how to make me smile.

"If you're having the kid, I want to be the main babysitter! Please!"

"Aha, of course! Just as long as you don't actually sit on it!"

"Oh I will!"

We both laughed.

"Why did you come here so suddenly?"

"Oh, commander Erwin gave me a key to my new place. So I'm here to pack."

"What? Where are you moving?!"

"I'm moving in where our superiors sleep. They each have their own rooms, so I'll have one, and I'll have better access to all the care, and stuff there, right?"

"Oh wow, yeah! Are they mad at you?"

"They seemed upset at first, but they seem really supportive, which is weird to see their soft sides... Anyway, do you want to help me pack?"


~ Mikasa helped me pack all my stuff. She didn't have training so she was free. We brought all my stuff to the room number that Erwin gave me, and she helped me unpack most of it. Only little things were in some small boxes, but it's not like I had lots of things anyway. ~

"Wow it's a pretty big size", Mikasa said, looking around the room.

"Yeah, it actually is."

"It'll be good for when the baby arrives."

"Let's not jump too ahead."

"Well, that's the whole reason why you got this pad, and you're already showing."

"Way to slap me."

"Yeah, yeah. Reality would slap ya anyway if I didn't beat it to ya."

"Whatever Mikasa."

*knock knock*

I looked at Mikasa wondering who could be at my door. I turned around, and open the door. I see Hanji, and Levi both standing there.

"Oh hey!", I said.

"Hello (your name)! Levi, and I came to pick you up!", Hanji said excited.

"What? Why?"

"To go baby shopping of course!"

"Baby shopping?"

"We're gonna go buy stuff for the baby!"

"But I'm only practically 3 months pregnant."

"Yes, but we have to start the nursery, assembling the crib, buying clothes, etc."

"Why so early? Can't we just wait 'till I'm like 8 months pregnant?"

"Oh course not! If we wait that long you'll never be ready! You'll be way too busy taking care of yourself, and you'll be too sore to help out! We also wanna read through parenting books to help you!"

"Um, that sound like a lot."

"Yeah, well that's what you signed up for when you said you wanted the kid", Levi chimed in.

"So, are you gonna come with us?", Hanji said.

"Um, Mikasa's here.."

"Mikasa, you don't have to clean the garbage up in the mess hall if you let (your name) go."

"See ya!", Mikasa said walking out.


"Are you ready?", Hanji said.

"Yeah, but I have to piss."

"It's just starting (your name)", Levi said.


"We'll be waiting out here", Hanji said.


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