Who was it?

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Erwin, and Levi both turned to look at each other. My words shocked them, and it looked like they didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean?", Levi asked.

"I mean, if I don't want it, I'm not gonna have it."

"So you're considering abortion?", Erwin questioned, seeming like he wanted me to think things through. That only made me more angry, and frustrated.

"Do you even know how hard this news is to take?! If I'm not raising the child, it's an abortion that I'll have because adoption is not an option!", I said loud, and mad.

"But if another family is willing to adopt it, then maybe you'd consider it?", Erwin suggested.


"Why not?"

"Why in the motherfucking hell would I hold this growing thing in my stomach for nine months?! Going through the nauseous, and lethal morning sickness, that can last the whole pregnancy. Having a sore back all the time. Wanting to cry every second; it's like being on your period all the time! But you wouldn't know, Mr. Dickhead. Why would I, being only 16, go through nine months of misery for it all to just end one day, and potentially kill myself pushing it out of my vagina?!", I was yelling at this point. I was standing, and telling the commander off. "And the worst thing about this stupid motherfucking situation is that I don't even know who the father is!", I immediately shut my mouth, feeling a hot wave go through me. I felt like I was going to faint. The two men were silent, staring at me, shocked. All of a sudden I needed to puke. Now. I lifted my hand to my mouth, and ran to Erwin's personal bathroom in his huge office. I didn't even have time to close the door, I was puking my guts out in that toilet. Tears were falling from my eyes, and some strands of my (h/c) locks were sticking to my face. More, and more just kept coming out.

It was disgusting, my puke was yellow, and it's only yellow when you're pregnant or when you're nervous. It was probably a mix of both because my veins were flowing with knocked up woman, and nervousness right now. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, but as I was going to look up, I had another round coming. I started puking again, and I felt that same hand grab my hair, and hold it for me. When I was finished I flushed the toilet, and tried to get up, but couldn't. My legs were too weak. I felt two arms lift me up, and carry me out of the bathroom, I looked at his face, and it was Levi. He signalled Erwin to grab a towel, and wet the end of it. Levi placed me down on the couch Erwin had in his office. It was big, and comfortable. Levi grabbed the towel, and wiped my face. He moved the hair from my face, and said all better.

"You're way too much of a mess to go back to the cabins tonight, so you can sleep here, okay?", he said, stern, but trying to be sweet. I simply nodded my head, too weak to even care where they put me. I felt a warm blanket be placed on me, and I dozed off like that.


I opened my eyes feeling the warm, morning sunlight on my skin. I sat up, and looked around the office. No one was currently occupying it except for me. I was about to lay down until I needed to puke again. I ran to the toilet, and drained my guts, saying my final farewells. I felt a hand grab my hair, and pull it out of my face, while I puked my life out. I was finally finished, and got up flushing my new best friend. I turned to see Erwin was now the one to hold my hair.

"Thank you, Erwin. Sorry, I know I'm gross, and a nuisance. And I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I was just upset, you know?", I said, tears formed in my eyes.

"(Your name), it's nothing to cry about, it's okay, I forgive you. I can't imagine what you're going through."

That just made me feel worse. I'm a horrible person. I got closer to him, and gave him a hug, but then immediately pulled away.

"I-I'm so sorry sir! You're my superior, I shouldn't hug you!", I panicked, and gave him a salute for my life. He just started laughing, and said how ridiculous I was.

"It's okay to hug me, I'm not, not human. Just don't go further."

"Ah, so that's how it is sir."

"Come on, Hanji prepared breakfast for everyone. I think it'd help to give you some energy."

"Who's everyone?"

"Just Levi, Hanji, Mike, myself, and you."

"Ok, good."

"Let's go."

I followed behind him. I was in a daze from all the things that were happening all at once. Oh my god. What are Jean and Marco thinking? Do they think I died? Do they think I ran away? They must be going insane on trying to figure out who's baby it is... Anxiety filled my chest, and I was shaking again, but I hid it well.

"We're here", Erwin said, opening the door to the kitchen room. I followed behind him walking in. Levi signalled me to sit beside him, and had already put food on a plate for me.

"Hello", I said, greeting everyone.

"It's nice that you could have breakfast with us (you name), I hope you enjoy my food", Hanji said. She's a very nice woman if you get to know her, so I feel safe when I'm near her.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

I started eating, and everyone were having their own conversations, talking about random stuff. I felt a nudge, and turned. Levi was looking at me.

"I made sure to give you some grapefruit juice, make sure to drink it. It'll help with your morning sickness", Levi said.

"Thanks, I still feel weak from last night's round."

I silently ate my food, everybody talking around me, It was strange having my superiors take care of me, but it was sweet. If I was going to have the thing, then this is the people I'd be working for, and it wouldn't be so bad.

"We have a doctors appointment today", Levi told me.


"Yes, the doctor wants to do a check up, and I have to be there to make my report, and I'll be provided with access information which will only help when I have to write everything."

"Oh okay.."

We were all finished, and had put our plates in the sink. Mike offered to clean the dishes, and Hanji gave me a water bottle I can bring around that had grapefruit juice in it, I thanked her, and I was already feeling better from the juice Levi gave me. Erwin told Levi to take care of me along with the help of others, he couldn't because he was a very busy man. Levi, and I went to Levi's office, and I stood there not knowing what to do.

"So I think we need to establish who the father is."

"I- didn't I already say I didn't know who is is?"

"Come on (your name), you don't know the guys you've slept with? Even if you slept with lots, you don't know who it was a month ago?"

"Um... Yeah I do..but...."

"Tell me their names (your name)."

"It.. It was only two guys I swear...", I said, starting to tear up. Levi saw that I was clearly upset, but he wasn't going to back down anytime soon. He walked over to me, and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You need to tell me who these two boys are."

"What.. What are you going to do to them? Or say?"

"(Your name), you need to tell me now."

"What are you going to say", I was crying harder by this point.

"Tell me."


"Tell me!"


"Right now!", he yelled. He was scary beyond belief. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Ok! It was Marco Bodt, and Jean Kirstein !", I screamed. I fell to my knees crying hysterically, and I heard his footsteps walk out of the room, and slam the door.

- Hopefully you guys like this story so far!! Comment, and tell me if its good, and if you like it!! :)

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