I Wish I Didn't Wake Up

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I jumped up in my bed, startled at the loud sound. I looked around, but didn't see anything broken. It sounded like a door being slammed shut. It was still nighttime. I got out of my bed, and the light from the moon guided me to the door. I walked out, and saw Erwin standing at Levi's door.

"What are you doing?", I asked.

"You should go back in your room, (your name)", Erwin said.


"Go back to bed."

"What's going on?"

"Go to sleep, that's an order cadet!"

The raise of his voice made me flinch. I saw Levi's door open.

"Don't fucking yell at her!"

"She's refusing an order!"

"Am not!"

"Then go to sleep now!"

"Only if you tell me what's going on!"

"Look what you did!", Erwin yelled at Levi.

"You fucking did it, you fucking fuck!"

"You're the one that slammed the door!"

"You're the one who told me to stop, and calm down!"

"What are you talking about?! Why would you need to clam down, and stop?! Stop what?!", I yelled out of frustration.

The room fell silent. Levi, and Erwin both stared at me.

"What?", I asked, barely over a whisper.

"(Your name)-", Erwin began, but was quickly cut off by Levi.

"She'll find out soon, so might as well tell her now."

"Tell. Me. What?", I was beyond frustrated.

"(Your name), we talked with Jean. But Levi didn't go too easy with him."

"Um, and what about Marco?.. I told you that he could also be the father, didn't I?"

"Um.. (Your name)", Erwin approached with a sympathetic look on his face. Levi saw my confused face, and looked away, sort of looking angry, but sad.

"What? What, Erwin, why are you acting like that?"

I stepped back a few steps, entering my room even further. He followed.

"(Your name)... You should take a seat..."

"What? Why the hell should I?"

I kept backing up, now in the middle of the room.

"(Your name)..."

"What?! Stop saying my name like that! What is it?! Spit it out!"

He stayed perfectly calm, making me even more nervous.

"(Your name), Marco's dead."

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